15 signs you joined the wrong company as a developer

If you see any of these signs it is time to get out

Juan Cruz Martinez
Geek Culture
Published in
9 min readSep 28, 2021


Image by the author

Perhaps you have just begun working for a new firm, or maybe you have been with one for a while. However, something does not appear to be right. You probably cannot put your finger on the problem, but you know something is wrong deep down within.

You thought it was the role at first, but you still like what you do and are good at it. Then you realize, no, it is something to do with the work environment, something less tangible. Despite this, you dismiss the sensation and continue on your way.

You are unhappy months or years afterward, thinking how things would have been if only you had seen and paid attention to the red flags.

With that, here are some signs that you have joined the wrong company as a developer.

1. The Job Description is Not Accurate

You applied to a job posting because it referenced a technology that caught your interest. However, after you get started, you will discover that the technology is not getting used. Even though your firm listed a certain machine learning framework in their job description, you found shortly after starting the job that they did…



Juan Cruz Martinez
Geek Culture

I stream, blog, and make youtube videos about tech stuff. I love coding, I love React, and I love building stuff!