19 Tools and Libraries Every Android Developer Should Know

Android developers should know the use of most of these libraries.

Agent Badet
Geek Culture


Photo by Denny Müller on Unsplash

One of the advantages of creating an Android application is the plethora of libraries and tools available. Some are more popular and still supported. I want to share some tools and libraries that I think are worth getting to know.

Of course, these are only a handful of what’s available, but they are must-know things for anyone who wants to delve into Android programming.

1. Dagger

If you haven’t heard about dependency injection yet, it’s time to catch up! Dagger is a great library that greatly facilitates dependency injection, thanks to which we gain more transparency and easier to maintain and test code.

2. Lombok

In Java, we do not have a property mechanism available (known, among others, from C #), but Lombok comes in handy with its addition to Android Studio. Thanks to them, using a few annotations, we can automatically generate getters, setters, constructors, and much more at compile time.

3. EventBus

EventBus is a simple library that allows you to organize communication between multiple classes very quickly. It works by sending events…

