27 Project Ideas to Practice Your Programming Skills

You want to learn how to code, but what should you make?

Derick David
Geek Culture


Image: Morgan.codes theme

“Everybody should learn to program a computer because it teaches you how to think” 1995 was a time when computers already played an important role in our society but weren’t as omnipresent in our lives as they are today. — Steve Jobs

You want to learn how to code, but what should you make?

Learning to code can be difficult and confusing, especially when you don’t even know where to start.

When I was learning web development, I didn’t know what I should start outbuilding. It seemed like everyone had an opinion — “don’t start with a to-do list app, everyone does that” or “you need to make something more complex so it stands out” — but in reality, anything you build is a success.

Starting a project that you want to work on and finishing it all the way through will be way more beneficial than starting something too complex & giving up along the way. ⁣

You can make every app on this list using HTML, CSS, and javascript. It will also be helpful to implement a database like MongoDB when building these apps!⁣



Derick David
Geek Culture

1M+ views. Seen at Forbes. 10x Top Writer in Technology, Innovation, and Design. https://twitter.com/jeazous