3 Easy Ways to Instantly Make Your Python Program Faster

3 Minor changes for major results

Shu Hasegawa
Geek Culture


Photo by Christian Wiediger on Unsplash

Python is a high-level programming language increasing in popularity, recognized for its simplicity and versatility. However, in spite of its advantages, Python’s major drawback lies in its performance speed. Languages such as Java, C#, and C++ are significantly better options for fast-running software. But for those who want to code in Python while retaining a decent speed in their programs, here are several coding techniques to make up for python’s comparatively slow performance.

1. Python Sys Module

Virtually every program requires some form of input and output of data. Replacing your print and input statements with write() and readline() will drastically improve your program’s performance speed, especially when dealing with large data sets which typically involve thousands of input values.

The write() and readline() functions are part of the Python sys module, serving as much quicker alternatives to the widely used print() and input() functions, respectively. After importing the said module, they can be called from the built-in objects stdout and stdin.

import sys
# readline
# write

