37 Interview Questions Every Data Scientist Should Know

P-values, TF-IDF, precision, recall, residuals, and many more

Pranjal Saxena
Towards Generative  AI


Photo by Gabby K from Pexels

Data science is a big field still most industries follow the same set of algorithms and techniques to do the task. And, interviews are one of them who engaged with the same techniques.

And, when most of the industries are using almost the same type of technique and lead them to ask similar kind of questions. These questions are usually the ones where data scientists need to give most of their focus to understand.

I went through my career change process and took part in around 27 interviews in 3 months of duration. Three months because there was a notice period of three months in my industry. So, luckily I got a good amount of time to interact with different industries and understand their needs.

These interviews question are related to data science-related jobs that I have applied for. These questions are from different data science areas such as predictive modelling, computer vision, natural language processing.

This article will cover those 37 commonly asked questions that I have faced in my last 27 interviews with high-demanding industries. You can also find the respective

1. What is TF-IDF and how to use it…

