4 Start-up Solutions to VR Locomotion

Victor Li
Geek Culture
Published in
8 min readApr 2, 2021


Even after a decade of investment and technological advancement, virtual reality remains a fickle technology. Headsets don’t always track correctly, controllers aren’t precise, and the software developed for it is barely functional at times. Regardless, it is the premier place for cutting-edge companies to showcase unique ideas and break into the industry. Even though we’ve barely figured out how to do camera movement properly, forward-thinking companies have already moved onto locomotion.

Investors from many different industries are interested in incorporating movement into VR applications. The military industry, already deeply involved with virtual reality, stands to benefit massively from these developments. Simulating real-life combat situations through VR cuts down on costs massively and increases the speed at which they can train soldiers. Hospitals, which are now starting to incorporate more and more virtual reality in treating patients, would also enjoy the benefits. Applications in physiotherapy and various other fields are already being researched, as the immersive factor of VR helps patients feel less distressed about their situation and more relaxed. Commercial entertainment in video games and interactive experiences have massive potential as well, as audiences are constantly demanding more immersive experiences. With so much demand for the technology, why hasn’t VR…



Victor Li
Geek Culture

Stories about Esports, Video Games, and the Internet. Twitter @victor_liii