4 Web Scraping Projects That Will Help Automate Your Life

Beginner and advanced projects to learn web scraping in Python from scratch.

The PyCoach
Geek Culture


Photo by Peggy_Marco on Pixabay

Think of all the things you do during the day. You might read the news, send emails, find the best deal for a product, or search jobs online. Most of these tasks can be automated with web scraping, so instead of spending hours looking through websites, a computer would do it for you in a couple of minutes.

Web Scraping is the process of extracting data from a website. Learning Web Scraping could be as easy as following a tutorial on how libraries like Beautiful Soup, Selenium, or Scrapy work in Python; however, if you can’t put all the concepts learned into practice, that time will be wasted.

This is why you should try web scraping projects that will help you not only learn the theory of web scraping but also help you develop bots that will automate your daily tasks keeping you motivated to learn this new skill.

In this article, I listed some projects that will automate 4 tasks most people come across on a daily basis. The projects are listed by difficulty, so the beginner projects are in the beginning, while the advanced projects are at the end of the article.

1. Automate Repetitive Tasks



The PyCoach
Geek Culture

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