5 Best Books to Learn Data Science Prerequisites — A Complete Beginner Guide

Want to learn data science? Make sure to have prerequisites covered first

Dario Radečić
Geek Culture


Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash

Do you want to learn data science? It’s a great field to get into, and there are plenty of resources to help you get started. But where should you start? Which books can teach you the fundamentals of data science? In this blog post, we’ll recommend five books that will help beginners learn data science prerequisites.

These books will teach you essential topics like math, statistics, Python programming, and databases. So if you’re just getting started with data science, these books are a great place to start!

Disclaimer: The article contains affiliate links to our top recommended books. That doesn’t mean anything to you, as the price is identical, but we’ll get a small commission if you decide to make a purchase.

Head First Statistics — Best Prerequisite Statistics Book for Data Scientists

