5 Tips Smart Developers Apply to Become More Productive

Here are the tips, a developer with 2 years of experience, uses to be on top of all the work

Milos Zivkovic
Geek Culture


Photo by fauxels from Pexels

If you get one percent better each day for one year, you’ll end up thirty-seven times better by the time you’re done. — James Clear

Doing small improvements makes all the difference. You could do a thorough review of the code, stop the bug, and free up more time to spend on Medium.

You see yourself pulling and merging branches all the time? Automate. Develop scripts, and free up more time. Time to use for your wellbeing.

Here are some of the tips I’ve applied to be more productive.

1. Improve soft skills

Working with testers is hard. I’ve learned that the hard way. You get into ping-pong sessions, up until the ticket is moved to the done bracket. What the testers will test? Know that before doing any work. You need the requirements carved in stone.

Use Three Amigos sessions. This helps with issues before you even start the ticket.

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