5 Tools That Make My Life Easier When Writing Code

Tools that you need as a programmer.

The PyCoach
Geek Culture


Image via Shutterstock under license to Frank Andrade

Every time I write code I come across some roadblocks that slow down my workflow.

Sometimes I forget the format I need to use to create a cron job, a metacharacter I need to use to build the right regular expression, that tag I need for my HTML document, etc.

Fortunately, there are some tools that help me easily deal with these issues (if you know other tools, feel free to share them in the comments).

Regex101: Test your regular expressions

Have you been in a situation where you need to match a specific search pattern but can’t build the regular expression (regex) that does the job?

You know regex but you just don’t remember that metacharacter that does the trick or something goes wrong when you build a long regular expression.

I used to have this issue … until I found Regex101.

Regex101 is a tool that we can use to test our regular expressions. You only need to type a regex and the text that matches will be highlighted in blue.

Say we want to identify valid emails with a regular expression.



The PyCoach
Geek Culture

My ChatGPT Course - ChatGPT Unleashed: Master GPT-4 & Prompt Engineering: bit.ly/chatgpt-pycoach