7 Myths To Debunk When You’re Learning To Code

Myth #6: Coding is for Men

Kurtis Pykes
Geek Culture


Photo by Gary Chan on Unsplash

There are several myths about coding that linger in the atmosphere. Many of these myths serve one specific purpose: to deter as many people as possible from learning how to code. Of course, this is not ideal — we all know how rewarding a programming career can be. Overcoming your personal beliefs about coding is the first step toward becoming a programmer; You must debunk these beliefs if you want to stand a chance.

Myth #1: I’m not smart enough

Learning to code is not hard. Well, not as hard as people make it out to be. If you’re able to read and write then you already have the necessary foundation required to get started. Basically, If you can learn to read and write then you can learn to code.

It’s not too dissimilar from learning any other language. Yes, some languages are significantly harder to learn like Mandarin and Arabic, but there are also easier ones like English, Spanish, and French. Either way, learning a language you want to speak is possible. The key internal ingredients include desire and willingness to put the effort in.

It’s the same with programming.

Overall, code is merely a language used to communicate with a machine. It has its own vocabulary and…



Kurtis Pykes
Geek Culture

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