7 Reasons Why Flutter is Getting Popular With Developers

Sannan Malik
Geek Culture
Published in
3 min readMar 5, 2022


The cross-platform app development framework, Flutter, was introduced by Google in 2015 and was formally released in 2018. Since its launch, it has received a lot of buzz from developers. While it’s not yet the most popular mobile SDK, it’s quickly becoming more popular, thanks to its ease of use and extensive feature set. Here are seven reasons why Flutter is gaining popularity with developers.

Photo by Fahim Muntashir on Unsplash
  1. Dart Programming

Developers will find the language easy to learn. It uses the Dart programming language, which is compiled into native code, giving flutter applications a significant performance advantage. Developers can build apps in less than two weeks using a single project, which saves developers a significant amount of time. Moreover, Flutter also uses a special layout model, called the silver layout model, that’s fast enough for scrolling and other tasks. It also supports six major operating systems, including iOS.

2. Easy To Use

It’s easy to use. There are widgets, which allow developers to see the code in a readable format. These are also convenient to use, because they allow developers to see the code right away, saving time on UI elements. As a result, Flutter applications are easy to use and maintain. In addition, Flutter developers can build apps for both iOS and…



Sannan Malik
Geek Culture

Writer at different Platforms, Thought expresser at Medium!