7 Useful iOS Libraries You Should Use in Your Next ProjectーPart- 4

Power up your iOS development

Farhan Tanvir
Geek Culture


Photo by Igor Savelev on Unsplash

Why write custom functionality when a library can do the job for you? Developers’ best friends and life savors are libraries. A good project, in my opinion, makes use of some of the best libraries available. Here I have compiled 7 iOS libraries that will help you in your development journey.

1. ARKit-CoreLocation

As the name suggests this library is a combination of ARKit and CoreLocation. ARKit uses camera and motion data to map out the local world as you move around. CoreLocation uses wifi and GPS data to determine your global location, with a low degree of accuracy. The combination of these provides the high accuracy of AR with the scale of GPS data. It has more than 5k stars on Github.

2. time



Farhan Tanvir
Geek Culture

Believes in learn by doing . Currently working as a software engineer. Love to share Knowledge. https://twitter.com/FarhanTanvirBD