8 Javascript Object Methods Every Developer Should Know

Object Methods make working with the Object prototype easier and more effective for you as a developer!

Amisha Singh
Geek Culture


Image by Jexo on Unsplash

Javascript Object Methods are properties that contain built-in function definitions which are used to work with individual Objects efficiently and obtain information from them.

Syntax: ObjectName.methodName()

In this article, we will discuss the 7 most frequently used Object Methods in Javascript, that will make working with the Object prototype all the more easier for you!

1. Object.is()

Object.is() is a method that determines whether two values are the same value.

Syntax: Object.is(value1, value2);


  • value1: The first value to compare.
  • value2: The second value to compare.

Return value: A boolean expression indicating whether or not the two arguments have the same value.


// Case 1: Evaluation result is the same as using '==='
Object.is(25, 25); // true
Object.is('foo', 'bar'); // false
Object.is(foo, foo); // true



Amisha Singh
Geek Culture

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