9 Tips for Tech Demo Teams

Nevin Katz
Geek Culture
Published in
7 min readJun 3, 2021


Photo by Luis Quintero from Pexels

Suppose you are on a team that is immersed in building a tech product. It could be an app, website, online course, dashboard, you name it. Now envision a colleague calling you up and telling you that a client — or perhaps a potential funder — is interested in seeing a demo of what you are building in a week. How would you and your team prepare?

The journey towards getting ready for an event like this can be challenging and rife with complications. It not only requires a familiarity with the product you are showcasing but a knowledge of the audience and effective communication with your team. And because technology has a life of its own sometimes, you have to be ready to handle the unexpected regardless of how much testing you have done.

In case you find yourself on the road leading up to a team demo, below are nine tips to keep in mind.

1. Identify the audience.

About four years back, I flew into our DC office to demo an app for our international team. It was a reading and phonics app that was to deploy in the Philippines, and I had created some in-app demo activities with audio playback. The technology worked fine, but the audience was distracted by the fact that the audio had my own voice. I had not given this a second thought when I was preparing, but it was the first thing they picked up.



Nevin Katz
Geek Culture

Developer at EDC. I write about web development and biology. Subscribe at https://buttondown.email/nevkatz for article roundups.