A Complete 12-Week Course to Learn Web Scraping in Python for Free

Do you need data to start a new project? Learn web scraping!

The PyCoach
Geek Culture


Photo by Sergey Zolkin on Unsplash

Data is important! It doesn’t matter if you’re a data scientist, data analyst, or programmer, everyone uses data in their everyday life.

We need data to make informed decisions, find solutions to problems, make reports, customize communication with clients, and more. This is why even non-programmers should learn web scraping.

Web scraping is a technique used to collect data from websites. Web scrapers are automated bots that can extract millions of data points from the internet. This will save you hours copying data off websites, so you can focus on more relevant tasks.

An overview of everything you need to know about web scraping can be found on my YouTube video below.

In this article, I’ll share some free resources I found out there to learn web scraping. We’ll learn popular web scraping libraries in Python such as Beautiful Soup, Selenium, and Scrapy in 12 weeks. In…

