A Deep Dive into Actor-Critic methods with the DDPG Algorithm

Full project walkthrough with the implementation of the DDPG algorithm for the Continuous Control problem of the Reacher environment

Gabriel Cassimiro
Geek Culture
Published in
10 min readApr 14, 2023


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Welcome to a fascinating exploration of reinforcement learning in the context of continuous control! In this article, we will dive into a challenging problem: teaching an intelligent agent to control a double-jointed robotic arm in the Reacher environment, a Unity-based simulation developed using the Unity ML-Agents toolkit. Our goal is to reach target locations with high precision, and to accomplish this, we have employed the state-of-the-art Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG) algorithm, specifically designed for continuous state and action spaces.

Sharing experience can accelerate learning.
Robots Sharing Experience (Source)

Join me on this journey as we discuss the environment, the algorithm, the neural network architecture, and the training process that led the agent to achieve the average score of 30 in about 50 episodes, maintaining that performance for over 150 episodes. I will also share insights into future work and potential improvements that could improve this agent’s performance. Let’s dive in!

This article provides a comprehensive project walkthrough and complete code, but you can also access the code in the following GitHub repository:

Real-world applications

The Reacher environment might be an artificial simulation, but its underlying problem of learning to control a robotic arm to reach target locations has significant real-world implications, particularly in the field of robotics. Robotic arms play a critical role in manufacturing, production facilities, space exploration, and search and rescue operations. In these contexts, the ability to control robotic arms with high precision and dexterity is really important. By employing reinforcement learning techniques it is possible to enable these robotic systems to learn and adapt their behaviour in real time, leading to improved performance and flexibility. As a result, advancements in reinforcement learning not only contribute to our understanding of artificial intelligence but also have the potential to revolutionize industries and make a meaningful impact on society.

Training robotic arm to reach target locations in the real world. (Source)


The Reacher environment is a captivating and complex simulation, offering an excellent opportunity to showcase the power of reinforcement learning techniques in continuous control tasks. In this section, we will dive deeper into the environment’s characteristics and the problem our intelligent agent needs to solve.

A Glimpse into the Reacher Environment

Built using the Unity ML-Agents toolkit, the Reacher environment is a visually engaging simulation that requires our agent to control a double-jointed robotic arm. The objective is to guide the arm toward a target location and maintain its position within the target area for as long as possible. The environment features 20 simultaneous agents, each operating independently, which facilitates an efficient collection of experiences during training.

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State and Action Spaces

Understanding the state and action spaces is crucial for designing an effective reinforcement learning algorithm. In the Reacher environment, the state space consists of 33 continuous variables that provide information about the robotic arm, such as its position, rotation, velocity, and angular velocities. The action space is also continuous, with four variables corresponding to the torque applied to the two joints of the robotic arm. Each action variable is a real number ranging between -1 and 1.

Task Type and Success Criterion

The Reacher task is considered episodic, with each episode consisting of a fixed number of time steps. The agent’s goal is to maximize its total reward throughout these steps. A reward of +0.1 is granted for each step the arm’s end effector remains in the target location. The environment is considered solved when the agent achieves an average score of 30 or more over 100 consecutive episodes.

In the next sections, we will explore the DDPG algorithm, its implementation, and how it effectively tackles the continuous control problem in this environment.

Harnessing the Power of DDPG: Algorithm Choice for Continuous Control

When it comes to continuous control tasks like the Reacher problem, the choice of algorithm is crucial for achieving optimal performance. In this project, we opted for the Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG) algorithm, an actor-critic method specifically designed to handle continuous state and action spaces. Let’s take a closer look at the DDPG algorithm and why it is well-suited for our task.

Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG) Explained

The DDPG algorithm combines the strengths of policy-based and value-based methods by incorporating two neural networks: the Actor network, which determines the optimal actions given the current state, and the Critic network, which estimates the state-action value function (Q-function). Both networks have target networks, used to stabilize the learning process by providing a fixed target during updates.

By using the Critic network to estimate the Q-function and the Actor network to determine the optimal actions, the DDPG algorithm efficiently merges the benefits of policy gradient methods and deep Q-networks. This hybrid approach allows the agent to learn effectively and efficiently in continuous control environments.

The implementation also makes use of a Replay Buffer, being a crucial component to improve learning efficiency and stability. A replay buffer is essentially a memory data structure that stores a fixed number of past experiences or transitions, consisting of state, action, reward, next state, and done information. The main advantage of using it is that it enables the agent to break the correlation between consecutive experiences, thereby reducing the impact of harmful temporal correlations.

By sampling random mini-batches of experiences from the buffer, the agent can learn from a diverse set of transitions, which helps to stabilize and generalize the learning process. Moreover, the replay buffer allows the agent to reuse past experiences multiple times, thereby increasing data efficiency and promoting more effective learning from limited interaction with the environment.

Why DDPG for the Reacher Problem?

The DDPG algorithm is an excellent choice for the Reacher problem due to its ability to effectively handle continuous action spaces, a critical aspect of this environment. Furthermore, the algorithm’s design allows for the efficient use of parallel experiences collected by multiple agents, leading to faster learning and better convergence. In our project, the 20 agents operating simultaneously share experiences and learn collectively, ultimately achieving the desired performance in the Reacher task.

In the following sections, we will discuss the neural network architecture, hyperparameter selection, and the training process that enabled our agent to successfully learn and adapt its behavior within the Reacher environment using the DDPG algorithm.

How the DDPG Algorithm Works in the Reacher Environment

To better understand the effectiveness of the algorithm in the environment, let’s take a closer look at the key components and steps involved in the learning process.

Neural Networks Architecture

The DDPG algorithm employs two neural networks, the Actor and the Critic. Both networks consist of two hidden layers, each containing 400 nodes. The hidden layers use the ReLU (Rectified Linear Unit) activation function, while the output layer of the Actor network employs a tanh activation function to produce actions in the range of -1 to 1. The Critic network’s output layer does not have an activation function, as it directly estimates the Q-function.

This is the code implementing the networks:

Hyperparameters Selection

Carefully chosen hyperparameters are crucial for efficient learning. In this project, we used a buffer size of 200,000 to store experiences for replay, a batch size of 256 for learning updates, an actor learning rate of 5e-4, a critic learning rate of 1e-3, a soft update parameter (tau) of 5e-3, and a discount factor (gamma) of 0.995. Additionally, we incorporated action noise to facilitate exploration, with an initial noise scale of 0.5 and a noise decay rate of 0.998.

Training Process

The training process involves continuous interaction between the Actor and Critic networks, with 20 parallel agents sharing the same networks and learning collectively from the experiences gathered by all agents. This setup speeds up the learning process and enhances efficiency.

The code used for training:

Here we create an agent based on the DDPG class and make it interact with the environment on a loop.

The key steps in the training process are depicted below:

  1. Initialize the networks: The agents initialize the shared Actor and Critic networks and their respective target networks with random weights. The target networks provide a stable learning target during updates.
  2. Interact with the environment: Each agent, using the shared Actor network, interacts with the environment by choosing actions based on its current state. To encourage exploration, a noise term is added to the actions during the initial stages of training. After taking the action, each agent observes the resulting reward and the next state.
  3. Store experiences: Each agent stores the observed experience (state, action, reward, next_state) in a shared replay buffer. This buffer holds a fixed number of recent experiences, enabling the agents to learn from diverse transitions collected by all agents.
  4. Learn from experiences: Periodically, a batch of experiences is sampled from the shared replay buffer. The shared Critic network is updated using the sampled experiences by minimizing the mean squared error between the predicted and target Q-values. The target Q-values are calculated using the shared Critic target network and the shared Actor target network.
  5. Update the Actor network: The shared Actor network is updated using the policy gradient, computed by taking the gradient of the output of the shared Critic network with respect to the chosen actions. The shared Actor network learns to choose actions that maximize the expected Q-values.
  6. Update target networks: The shared Actor and Critic target networks are softly updated using a mix of the current and target network weights. This ensures a stable learning process.

The DDPG algorithm’s design, combined with the chosen hyperparameters and neural network architecture, allows the agents to learn and adapt their behavior effectively in the continuous control environment, ultimately achieving the desired performance in the Reacher task.

Results and Future Directions

In this project, our agent successfully learned to control the double-jointed robotic arm in the Reacher environment using the DDPG algorithm. Throughout the training process, we monitored the agent’s performance based on the average score across all 20 agents. As the agent explored the environment and gathered experiences, its ability to predict optimal actions for maximizing rewards improved significantly.

Here we can see the trained agents performing the task:

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Training Results

After about 50 episodes, the agent demonstrated a remarkable level of proficiency in the task, achieving an average score that surpassed the threshold required to consider the environment solved (30+) and maintained that level of performance for 150 episodes. Although the agent’s performance varied throughout the training process, the general trend showed an upward trajectory, indicating that the learning process was successful.

This plot shows the average score per episode of the 20 agents:

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In conclusion, our implementation of the DDPG algorithm, combined with carefully chosen hyperparameters and neural network architecture, effectively solved the Reacher environment. By sharing experiences and learning collectively, the agents were able to adapt their behavior and achieve the desired performance in the task. This project showcases the potential of reinforcement learning algorithms in continuous control problems and opens up exciting possibilities for future research and development.

Ideas for future work

Despite the success in solving the Reacher environment, there is still room for further improvement and optimization. Here are some ideas for future work:

  1. Hyperparameter tuning: The hyperparameters in this project were chosen based on a combination of recommendations from the literature and empirical testing. Further optimization through systematic hyperparameter tuning could lead to even better performance.
  2. Parallel training with more agents: In this project, we used 20 agents to collect experiences simultaneously. Investigating the impact of using more agents on the overall learning process could potentially lead to faster convergence or improved performance.
  3. Batch normalization: To further enhance the learning process, it is worth exploring the implementation of batch normalization in the neural network architecture. By normalizing the input features at each layer during training, batch normalization can help reduce internal covariate shift, accelerate learning, and potentially improve generalization. Incorporating batch normalization into the Actor and Critic networks may lead to more stable and efficient training, allowing the agent to reach even higher levels of performance in the Reacher environment.


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Gabriel Cassimiro
Geek Culture

Solving and creating problems with AI. Google Developer Expert in ML