A modern history of Artificial Intelligence ( Part 1 )

A journey through the evolution of Intelligent Machines ( Part 1 – Early 40s till Y2K )

Tom Tillo
Geek Culture


About this article

This is Part 1 of the two-article series where we look into a brief history of events which give us an understanding about how AI as we know today, has evolved. Part 1 takes us through the important events from 1940s till the late 1990s.

This article is NOT JUST about the history of machines that replaced humans for ‘mere’ computation or automation. ( If it were so, we would have called it — A brief history of Computers ). This is about devices or ideas that complemented or surpassed human intelligence in the real sense of ‘thinking’.

Lots of details have been left out in the interest of space and time, but the references to most of the stories are provided at the end of the article. Read on, and be amazed and inspired.


McCulloch and Pitts’ neural logical calculus

The first mathematical model of a biological neuron proposed by Warren MuCulloch and Walter Pitts in their publication called ‘A logical calculus of the ideas immanent in nervous activity’ [1]

McCulloch and Pitts ( 1949) , source:https://historyofinformation.com



Tom Tillo
Geek Culture

Making ML and AI available to everyone. One commit at a time. | Quantitative programming | Python | Arduino | Comp Vision | pythoslabs@gmail.com / @PythosL