A Simpler Guide to Flutter Navigator 2.0: Part I

The Basics

Lee Phillips
Geek Culture


Photo by Martin Vorel on LibreShot


Have you hit a wall while trying to wrap your head around Flutter’s Navigator 2.0? If so, take solace in the fact that you are not alone. Many developers have complained about the complexity of the updated navigation and routing mechanism. But fortunately it doesn’t have to be so daunting.

Most guides that I came across while studying Navigator 2.0 were, in my opinion, overly complex, especially for Flutter beginners. They focus on somewhat complicated projects that often times require understanding of higher level state management concepts and more that I feel can overwhelm newcomers with information that simply isn’t necessary to grasp the basic use of Navigator 2.0.

A simple Google search will return many results with diagrams and explanations of all of the classes associated with Navigator 2.0, so I will not bog this article down by repeating them. Instead, this guide is designed to focus solely on understanding how to implement Navigator 2.0 without the need for knowledge beyond the most basic features of a simple Flutter app that is already written using Navigator 1.0. We will be incrementally migrating to Navigator 2.0, only implementing the features necessary based on our app’s needs. At the end of this guide, I am sure that you will be…



Lee Phillips
Geek Culture

Software engineer. Flutter fanatic. I am here to share knowledge & inspire others to create great experiences.