Adopting The Trend: Why Web-Based Solutions Rule The Market

Rumzz Bajwa
Geek Culture
Published in
6 min readNov 18, 2022

Over the past decades, the digital world has made a paradigm shift from traditional desktop apps to the landscape of web-based solutions. Years ago, the idea of transitioning from the desktop to the web would have sounded overambitious, but now businesses, both small and large, are showing interest in web applications. With a surge in internet penetration across the world coupled with falling internet prices, developers are more inclined to create web applications than desktop-based apps. The adoption rate of web-based apps and increased user base could be proof that in the grand scheme of life, web-based apps could rule the net-sphere.

The portability, ease of customization, security enhancements, and accessibility could be some of the reasons web-based solutions have a competitive advantage over their predecessor, native desktop apps, and possibly take the lead position for the new-age digital generation.

But before we dive deeper, what exactly are web-based solutions? To the uninitiated, a web-based solution is any program or software that can be accessed over the internet through the interface of a web browser. Users can access the web-based application from any computer via any standard web browser so long as they are connected to the internet.

In the past, before the digital era matured, app users were confined to the “desktop way” of installing and managing software which involved downloading and installing software on a local machine. However, that system of running applications has its own set of complications. Maintenance and installation are both costly and complex, and updating the native desktop apps can be a frustrating process, at times requiring special IT expertise. Web-based solutions brought in a new way of performing the same functions by simplifying the complexities.

To Adopt Or Not To Adopt?

The question of whether to transition to web-based applications or not should be laid to rest with one easy answer — yes. Web-based apps present considerable benefits to the user and their significance in the modern digital era cannot be overemphasized. The reasons are simple.

1. Ease of access

Web-based apps can be accessed literally anywhere from any device — tablets, mobile phones, and computers — and at any time. In sharp contrast, a native desktop app resides in a physical machine and access is possible when the user is within proximity of the device. Web-based apps provide the user the flexibility of extracting information at any location with a web browser, offering convenience and unlocking urgency. With web-based apps, usage is on the go.

2. Simplified maintenance

Imagine the stress of updating and managing programs on multiple devices. On a native desktop or mobile app, the process of downloading and installing updates or upgrades on several machines running on different operating systems can be painstakingly lengthy. However, for web apps, updates are available across the board and once an update rolls out, the application is updated automatically. Furthermore, updates are not confined to a single machine — they are available on all devices which access the web-based app. In contrast, developers maintaining mobile or desktop apps have to release updates for the different underlying operating systems, which can be a lengthy and overwhelming process.

3. Enhanced security

According to research by ImmuniWeb on some of the largest banks in the world, 97% of their mobile and web applications were susceptible to attacks. However, mobile apps contributed a large stake of that percentage: all the 55 mobile apps that were tested contained at least a minor security flaw. The reason web apps get an edge over mobile apps as far as security is concerned is that the source code for web apps remains private while mobile apps’ code can be inspected, or sometimes altered, using open source tools. This can create security vulnerabilities in the application. In addition, web applications run on cloud servers which are protected by corporate firewalls, providing another layer of security.

4. Hassle-free installation

The software that powers a web-based application is installed on a remote server, away from the end user. The intricate installation processes associated with native desktop apps are essentially overridden in web-based apps. Web-based apps deliver the full software to the end user minus the whistles and bells that are common in traditional desktop apps.5. Cross-platform

While desktop apps may need to be installed on a specific operating system like Mac, Linux, or Windows, web-based apps are accessed through a web browser, which makes them compatible with any operating system that supports the browser. The user does not need to worry about finding different software for multiple platforms.

Web-based apps and the future of web trading platforms

Web trading platforms are leveraging the power of web-based apps to bring crucial trading data to the end user. A web trading platform or web trader is an online platform through which traders and investors can make their transactions on the internet via a web browser without downloading any software. Ever since their debut in the 2000s, web trading platforms have blossomed to attract a huge following. Businesswire reports that the global online trading platform market is expected to grow to over $10 billion in 2022 while the online trading platform market is expected to hit more than $13 billion in 2026.

That is a trend that cannot be ignored. With the advent of online trading platforms, several trading companies have launched their own web trading platforms to woo traders and simplify tedious tasks through clicks and taps. Web trading platforms are viable options for the trader due to their numerous advantages such as. For starters, web trading platforms offer the convenience of real-time trading. Information, statistics, prices, and data are available to the trader instantaneously and in real-time — letting the trader perform faster transactions. With just the click of a button or a slide of the finger, an investor or trader can buy or sell stock and conduct crucial business faster in real time.

Web trading platforms are flexible too because they enable the trader to transact anywhere and everywhere. A native desktop app restricts the trader from running her operations if she is away from the machine hosting the app which means that if a good opportunity for trading pops up, the person cannot trade. Web-based platforms eliminate this inconvenience by letting the trader log in and continue her transactions anywhere. Above all, since information is always available to the trader 24/7, buyers and traders can monitor the latest prices at their convenience without the need for a third party.

The options within your click

A few web trading options exist on the web and each one has its own pros and cons that a trader must carefully consider before signing up. One of the trading platforms that has been around for over a decade now is MetaTrader 5.

MetaTrader 5 is one of the best examples of the top trading platforms on the web. MetaTrader 5 and its related MetaTrader 5 Web Terminal from MetaQuotes bring a robust yet easy-to-use trading interface to the entry-level and expert online trader. Right from the interface of any web browser and any mobile device, including iOS and Android, MetaTrader 5 allows the trader to conduct robust financial analyses and trade in Forex, stocks, and future from any operating system without extra software or browser extensions. The platform offers reliable data protection through an advanced security system to ensure encrypted transactions. The platform accommodates all types of trading operations and offers advanced market depth and one-click trading and data visualization with over 20 graphical objects.

In a bid to provide quality services for its users, MetaQuotes released an update of the MetaTrader 5 Web Terminal on 12 October 2022. According to the company, the latest version comes with a wide range of useful features which the old version lacked. For instance, traders interested in making fundamental analyses will no longer have to open the Economic calendar in a separate tab or install an app on their device because the calendar will now be embedded in their charts. There has also been a significant facelift on the user interface for iOS and Android devices who will now enjoy a new simplified interface that automatically adjusts its dimensions and appearance depending on a device’s screen size and orientation. Furthermore, lovers of dark mode theme can finally smile because with the latest update you can turn this feature on.

To wrap it all

Web trading platforms are undoubtedly the future for traders aiming for total control of their trading systems and data. The convenience of flexibility, access to information at all times, and transactions on the move coupled with the multi-platform compatibility place web traders as the pivot of the new-era Forex of stock markets. With predictions projecting the online trading market to increase at a global compound annual growth rate of 5.1 percent per year the fact that web trading platforms will rule the market is a clear and present reality.



Rumzz Bajwa
Geek Culture

I am an marketer and writer. A writer by day and a reader by night as, a big music lover and foodie. When I am not doing all these, I try new things.