Amazon developer interview experience

In the past year, I’ve gone through a very tough interview for Amazon AWS. In this article, I’ve described my experience.

Gaetano Piazzolla
Geek Culture


I would like to describe it all, starting from the review of my curriculum vitae, the “codility ”algorithm online code challenge, the phone screening interview, the onsite interview (with 5 different people about various topics), and the final call.

Photo by Bryan Angelo on Unsplash

I will not report the precise questions that they asked me, but some general information about interviewing for Amazon, the evolution of the long and hard process, and some advice that I wish I had known before interviewing.

Unfortunately, I did not manage to pass the interview, but I’ve managed to learn a lot, about interviewing, about Amazon, about myself. I would like to share what I learned with you, and hopefully, you can find something interesting if you are interviewing in a few days or you are just curious about what it means to go through an interview in a big firm.

One’s destination is never a place but rather a new way of looking at things.

Henry Miller

1- Sending the Resume

