Are Technical Certifications worth it for your career development?

Veritas AI
Geek Culture
Published in
3 min readFeb 14, 2022


Each time, I open my LinkedIn, someone publishes a celebration message for a new certification. Of course, this is followed by likes and congratulations comments from everyone. So, Are these certifications really worth it for better jobs and careers? This question was in my mind for a few months, and I will try to give it an answer in this article.

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I have 15 years of experience, during which I worked for three multinational companies and jumped from and to many fields and domains. I worked in digital and web applications, e-commerce, in mobile development, and recently I switched to data science. I worked as a software developer, technical expert, project manager, and also Skill Center manager for a while. I had three degrees: a software engineer diplomat, a Ph.D. in Machine Learning, and MicroMaster on DataScience. However, I have very few technical certifications. ( Yes, it’s very surprising ;) )

Personally, I have never felt that the lack of certification was a handicap in my career. But, could it be easier for me with more certifications?

Before answering this, let’s look at today’s available certifications.



Veritas AI
Geek Culture

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