Are there any Living Documentation tools for databases?

How to document new designs and reverse engineer existing databases and tables

Greg Billington
Geek Culture


Photo by Jan Antonin Kolar on Unsplash

The database schema, architectural rationale, and requirements are all key elements of software documentation but what tools are available to make this easier? Living documentation leverages markdown, parsing, scanning, and dynamic creation of diagrams but what is applicable for the data storage parts of the software?

What Should Tools Do?

There are several approaches for documentation that depend on the direction of travel, either forwards or in reverse.

Forward engineering is the transfer of knowledge from the concept and design stages into implementation. Included in this transfer are the important design decisions, i.e. why something was done in a particular fashion?

Reverse engineering is when you are given a database with no associated design documentation and are…



Greg Billington
Geek Culture

Technology Director | Passionate about management, development and helping technology teams deliver software projects successfully.