Artificial Intelligence Is Getting Stronger, Faster And Smarter

Should we all be worried about our jobs as AI is taking over the World?

Arek Jaworski
Geek Culture


Iconic shot of HAL 9000 from from 2001: A Space Odyssey movie
HAL 9000 from 2001: A Space Odyssey

The End Is Near

We all have seen in a few popular movies, especially in Terminator or Matrix — at some stage of software and hardware development, AI will get self-consciousness and decide to eliminate the weakest link (which are humans!). Robots that were designed to help humankind, will start a rebellion.

We’re All Doomed… Well, Thankfully, Not Quite Yet!

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence are two hot topics. Two buzz words, maybe slightly over-used by media. Yet, it undeniable sooner or later we will use ML and AI to solve more and more complex problems and automate certain tasks or even jobs. This is happening right now. It’s not a question if but when this is going to happen.

Overall, technological advancements always change and disrupt the World. People have a natural tendency to fear of unknown. We’re worried about things that we can’t really control. Once New World was discovered and new trading routes emerged, it changed the World. Empires felt and new have risen.



Arek Jaworski
Geek Culture

Software Architect — AWS/Node.JS/JavaScript Contractor and Tutor. I write about programming, computer science, algorithms and more!