Automotive’s future: How to know the driver better than the driver himself

Andrea Maggetto
Geek Culture
Published in
4 min readMar 22, 2022

The world is moving towards the future at a rapid pace and so is the Automotive industry and business behind it. If in the past, a more powerful motor engine and the increasing numbers of Horsepowers were strictly related to Automobile progress, today also new technologies are massively involved.

How was the car world perceived priorly?

We all know them. There are some automobiles constructors that established themselves as this world’s cornerstones when it comes to releasing innovative, fast, forefront car models, for instance, Ferrari and Lamborghini, considered not just some of the most reliable and luxury car companies but also two of Italy’s culture flagships. Between the ’70s and ’80s, they showed their own capacity to craftmanship car prototypes which could last overtime not only when it came about their “hard skills” of speed and way to reach a status symbol, but also all the features that surrounded design and, most importantly, their skill to bring something never seen before to come to life.

Generally speaking, not only referring to luxury cars, the only way to foster and enhance innovation was to create new designs, boost car engine performances, and add useful internal features for drivers.

All the world that covers the car’s evolution didn’t include the opportunity to improve ways to reduce pollution or, in general, to have a vision-oriented to sustainability.

Nowadays, this stuff has dramatically changed.

Photo by David von Diemar on Unsplash

Who are the protagonists of this transport revolution?

We read, or heard, about electronic cars coming almost on a daily basis. Elon Musk seems to be the mad genius behind this green-oriented car’s paradigm-shifting.

It has been just a few years since we started hearing about Mr Musk's electronic cars company, Tesla Motors. And since the raising of that Company, Tesla hasn’t been the only one that decided to undertake this more sustainable way.

Along with it, some famous and renowned automobiles companies started to produce these innovative kinds of cars as well, for example, Mercedes and BMW.

The most important question: Why?

It’s perfectly clear: Global climate change has become one of the most critical and important problems of our age. Industries, businesses, governments and, overall, people who have a certain influence, already started to debate and propose some solutions to overcome this issue, trying to figure out how to make them happen as soon as possible.

Photo by Martin Katler on Unsplash

How is the automobile world going toward a sustainable approach?

While climate change isn't a problem referred only to riding-streets cars, on the other hand, they play a significant role when it comes to the number of substances they deliver in the atmosphere, due to the kind of fuel they’re powered by.

For this reason, cars constructors decided to adopt a greener way of driving and producing vehicles. Parallelly, when we speak about the electric car’s engine introduction we also refer to innovative technologies involved not only for the car performances but also for the drivers' comforts.

Just to name a few:

  • System to make cars interact with each other: Mainly due to the Car’s Interner Connection, In the future, we’re going to assist to the usual scenario of car’s “talking” to each other. Information exchanging about traffic, any presence of some accidents are going to be some routine activities among vehicles.
  • 3D Gestures: In almost any car ride we do, we push some buttons or also have to “deal” with the car’s touchscreen. However, this normal situation is about to change as we’re going to interact with the car system just by waving our hands, up or down.
  • Autonomous parking system: We’ve already got in touch with some automobiles models that are already capable to park themselves inside a specific space. Nevertheless, this feature is going to significantly be improved thanks to the introduction of some smart places that, through interaction with cars, are going to tell it where there’ll be a free space and its size in order to allow the car to take decisions autonomously about what it has to do to properly park.

Are we going to not drive anymore?

It’s fairly difficult to correctly answer this question. One thing is sure: In the upcoming years, we’re going to assist at one of a milestone car way of driving evolution, something we’ve never seen so far.

What are your thoughts about this? Do you rely on these embedded-technologies inside cars?



Andrea Maggetto
Geek Culture

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