AWS Lambda and SQS: What Nobody Tells You About Their Mix

Ehsan Yazdanparast
Geek Culture
Published in
15 min readSep 16, 2021


11 Lessons I Learned from My Projects

Developing serverless event-driven solutions using AWS Lambda and SQS
Photo by Luca Upper on Unsplash

If you want to develop serverless event-driven applications using AWS, you probably heard two names: Lambda Functions and Simple Queue Service (SQS)!

AWS Lambda is a serverless computing service. Using lambdas, you can define any type of application or backend logic. Lambda functions let you run your code without any need for provisioning or managing infrastructure.

AWS Simple Queue Service (SQS) is a message queuing service. It lets you send, receive or store messages at scalable volumes. Think about microservices, distributed systems, or serverless applications! Each individual module in these architectures can communicate incoming/outgoing messages using SQS.

Many developers are using (or considering) Lambda + SQS to build powerful event-driven solutions. The general idea is to put your backend logic in the lambda. Then you can define an SQS trigger event in the lambda to capture (and consume) the messages stored in the queue.

This seems interesting at the beginning! Yet, there are lots of technical considerations when you start to implement such solutions.

  • How and with what frequency does SQS communicate with lambda?
  • Which parameters need to be…



Ehsan Yazdanparast
Geek Culture

Ph.D., Software Developer, Tech Enthusiast. Support my writing by joining Medium through my Referral Link (I will earn a small commission)