Benefits of Adopting AI enabled ERP System

Jacob Hill
Geek Culture
Published in
5 min readOct 13, 2021
Benefits of Adopting AI enabled ERP System

Table of Content

1. Introduction

2. What is ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) Systems?

3. Benefits of Adopting AI-enabled ERP Software!

4. Conclusion

1. Introduction

In the past two decades, enterprise resource planning (ERP) software has assisted companies from all influential industries in successfully managing every department of their business.

With time, as the business processes became more complicated, the software application with machine learning methodologies provided a new way to the future generation, which is the Artificial Intelligence (AI) ERP system that offers companies benefits of advanced automation technologies, the efficiency of operations handling, and intelligent analytics.

However, before we adopt AI-enabled ERP systems, companies need a modern approach such as application integration with ERP systems to take your business to new heights.

Like a lot of people I wasn’t sure about the importance of EAI (Enterprise Application Integration), but browsing through a lot of articles I was able to interpret the importance of it for businesses.

And to save your time from hustling through numerous posts on the internet, I have chosen one blog post for you that helped me most to understand the EAI and the benefits I could get through it. Take a peek at one of the segments of that post and then read through the whole piece.

With the help of IT-enabled systems, it is feasible to conduct successful enterprise application integration. Today, businesses often tend to choose different software applications running for them simultaneously. If you own a company that might need to create or enable ERP integration in order to connect front-end applications to its back-end ERP system. That’s where an enterprise application integration system comes in. Read More

I’m certain it will help you to clear a lot of your misconceptions regarding Application Integration. Now moving forward, once we’re through with EAI, let’s explore the worldwide successful Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies and how it has changed the face of every business.

Growing recognition for AI-enabled ERP systems is noticed among organizations due to the excessive buildup of business complexity. Combined with other such problems, it drains significant amounts of resources that could be otherwise utilized to support innovations and growth.

To understand AI in ERP systems, we will first discover what ERP systems are and how various fields are getting the benefits of embracing these AI technologies. Let’s dive in!

2. What is ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) Systems?

Enterprise Resource Planning is a business management software that maintains the automation of a company’s fundamental business processes.

For many organizations, ERP is the system of archives that manages inputs from departments over the organization, involving financial data, manufacturing, supply chain, sales, marketing, and others, to guarantee there is a particular source of authenticity for its data.

The terms ERP system and machine learning are frequently utilised synonymously with the monetary system such as accounting, invoicing, and financial recording. Most of the respondents considered accounting the most crucial ERP function.

Though business people with integrated enterprise software also give various modules, such as:

  • Business intelligence
  • Omnichannel commerce
  • Customer relationship management
  • Material requirements planning
  • Supply chain management
  • Human resource planning

Now, let’s see how transforming ERP into AI technologies benefits our business!

3. Benefits of Adopting AI-enabled ERP Software!

To understand more about how the AI-enabled ERP system advantages the enterprise software operations, we will go through the list of benefits and understand its skills as well as the requirement of AI in ERP systems.

3.1 Gives a Better Understanding of Your Data

With the pre-decided data set like the extensive amounts of data found in ERP solutions — patterns and similarities that aren’t always apparent to the human eye, at that time AI-enabled ERP software comes in handy.

With Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology, SMBs can recognize these less noticeable courses and make insightful opinions about particular business operations, which in service provides more accurate forecasting and versed decision-making.

3.2 Integrating Business Functions Together

A combined ERP system and machine learning facilitate the different sections of a business divided by purpose or location, to transfer necessary information that allows them to act as a single unit.

For example, an ERP system enables seamless interaction between the subsequent parts of a manufacturing supply chain, such as a member’s facility, a parts warehouse occupied by the company, and the manufacturing and construction unit.

3.3 Enhance Accuracy in Forecasting

The key purposes of forecasting are to give benchmarks for observing business processes while reducing the scope for any difficulty. Artificial intelligence and machine learning are obtaining popularity as rising technologies that are being adopted to increase the accuracy of forecasts.

Artificial Intelligence-enabled ERP software helps companies increase their forecasting processes. From examining business needs and manpower requirements to cash flow and other focus operations, these software solutions are created to link the forecast and actual necessities.

3.4 Maximize Efficiency of the Process

The combination of AI in ERP systems into businesses can support increasing process efficiency. When you have ERP systems with Artificial Intelligence, you don’t require to do data entry manually. Also, it doesn’t need somebody to perform the computational tasks themselves.

Hence, it can eliminate the chance of unwanted outcomes and several wrong calculations.

3.5 Reduction in Manual Data Entry

Although ERP systems subdued the requirement for manual data entry, their performance still needed repetitively keying in some data. This began the unproductive use of the free man-hours, as most of those were practised in automation, routine actions.

This implied a minor time being given on productive tasks and activities requiring focus. With the initiation of Artificial Intelligence-enabled ERP, companies can automate nearly every communication that needs manual data entry, providing employees to concentrate their efforts and invest their time towards tasks that can create a more prominent impact on the organization.

3.6 Enhances the User Experience Through Interaction

This part of Artificial Intelligence proffers rational judgments according to the human input, which in turn cause the application secure and more beneficial to the individual user.

The software with machine learning algorithms can prioritize those research outcomes as per the user’s interaction historical data, which personalizes the user experience and makes it simpler to discover what you’re searching for. In a system that uses ample amounts of data, like an ERP, this is important.

3.7 Ensures a Better Agility

Contemplating that most processes associated with the business are now combined with the ERP systems, one can guarantee enhanced agility. Business owners can identify modifications in the market and inventive techniques on how to respond to the differences.

Through this, one can evade ventures and uncertainties in several business possibilities, which will end in a thriving and sustainable institution.

4. Conclusion

While some of us might be a little uncertain about adopting Artificial Intelligence technology in our services, whether that’s from a concern of transformation or dread of human extinction like think if AI and machine learning programs such as Siri, Watson, and Alexa learned to interact with each other, there’s really nothing to fret about.

This new Artificial Intelligence technology offers countless benefits for organizations already using an ERP solution. By shirking out error-prone custom tasks and optimizing operational processes, companies will more thoroughly understand their potential. Embrace the digital future with AI models!



Jacob Hill
Geek Culture

Jacob Hill is a software programmer. He belongs to a community who celebrate pride and freedom. Find all his development skills here on this blog.