Bitcoin Is the Worst Investment Ever

Looking for a safe haven?

Geek Culture


There are many reasons not to invest in Bitcoin — It’s risky, an unproven technology, a speculative asset, not backed by a central bank, with high energy use, the money of criminals, etc. But there are also many reasons to invest in it, the main one being:

Everything else is shit.

Wherever you look around you see dollars, bonds, inflated stocks, illiquid property, and so on. Where else can you put your money nowadays that is secure, keeps up with inflation and is liquid?


It is always a good idea to diversify but when you look around there is nothing that doesn’t look fragile and decadent. Diversifying into Blockbuster, Kodak and horses wouldn’t have been a good investment either.

Cash, stocks, real estate, and bonds are no safe places anymore. With the economy in shambles, unemployment at an all-time high, and crippling inflation, traditional investments start to look dated and dangerous.


One of the problems here is, of course, inflation. Governments all over the world claim it’s under control but no one believes them anymore. Printing money leads to inflation and printing trillions leads to hyperinflation, you can’t have your cake and…



Geek Culture

Author of ´Bitcoin For Mere Mortals´ and ´Bitcoin Para Pobres' available @Amazon. Subscribe and drop me a line and I’ll send you a copy for free