Building a FARM Stack Application — Part 3 — MongoDB integration

Nuno Bispo
Geek Culture
Published in
7 min readSep 8, 2021


By the end of this tutorial you will learn all the necessary steps to develop, test an deploy a FARM stack application.

Welcome to this tutorial series about building a FARM stack application. By the end of this tutorial you will learn all the necessary steps to develop, test an deploy a FARM stack application.


On this part 3 of the tutorial series we will connect our API to MongoDB to have data persistence.

Check out part 2 at:

What is MongoDB ?

MongoDB is a cross-platform document-oriented database program.

This means it does not use relational database models, but instead is described as a NoSQL database, which uses JSON-like documents with optional schemas.

Which means that all information stored in MongoDB is based on documents and these documents have no defined schema (or structure).

So you can add or remove fields on each document that you save. Of course there are limitations…



Nuno Bispo
Geek Culture

➡️ Content Creator 📜 ➡️ Software Builder 🧑‍💻 ➡️ Follow me for content about 🐍 Python 📘 Django 🧠 A.I.