Bye-Bye Amazon & Google, Hello Web 3.0

We are migrating our web application to DFINITY’s Internet Computer.

David Dal Busco
Geek Culture


It’s official, we are porting our web editor for slides, DeckDeckGo, to DFINITY’s Internet Computer!

Thanks to the help of a second 25k USD grant from the DFINITY foundation, we will wrap up the work needed for running a beta version of DeckDeckGo on the Internet Computer (sign up to help us test it!).


Of course getting grants is a strong motivation to use a new technology, but there are other reasons why we think this is the right move.


Even though at first glance decentralization might not seem to bring much to a presentation editor (who needs decentralized slides?), we think the extra level of security it adds is an incredible opportunity.

We foresee an architecture in which each user gets one (or multiple) database-like smart contracts for their data. Users will get a clear ownership on their data and there won’t be one single node containing all the content.

Moreover, thanks to the Internet Identity that enables a secure anonymous authentication, the privacy will also be improved.

