Change The Way You Learn and Grow as a Software Engineer

Michael Faber
Geek Culture
Published in
4 min readJan 29, 2022


The Easiest Way To Succeed and Move Up in a Software Engineering Role.

Young Man Coding

Traditional Growth as a Software Engineer

There is a lot of discussion about what software engineers need to understand and accomplish in order to be successful. The assertion we see on Medium, LinkedIn, Reddit, etc. ultimately boils down to mastering the software development life cycle.

The Software Development Life Cycle
  1. Requirement Analysis — iteratively collecting and understanding succinct information about how the application is supposed to behave.
  2. Planning — Who will build what and how long will it take.
  3. Design — Architecting an application that is reliable and easy to make changes to in the future.
  4. Build — Writing code that is clean and optimized.
  5. Code Testing — Ensuring that code is within the “test harness” and can be run locally and within a test environment, and also verifying the consistency of smaller components within the application with things like unit tests.
  6. Deployment / Maintenance — Ensuring smooth, frequent, automated…

