Chart.js in Nuxt.js: How To Implement

Chart.js is a handy charts library with simple HTML5 Charts using the <canvas> tag. Implementing this in Nuxt.js or Vue.js will make a beautiful dashboard with graph charts.

Code Road
Geek Culture


Chart.js Dashboard Illustration in a Laptop
Photo by Lukas Blazek on Unsplash

Table of contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Installing Chart.js in Nuxt.js
  3. Default Nuxt.js Configuration
  4. Chart.js Plugins in Nuxt.js
  5. Setup JSON Data Mocks
  6. Pages Development
  7. Components Development
  8. Deployment
  9. Conclusion
  10. Closing


Graph Charts are used widely in dashboards or any application to show the data visualization collection in a beautiful interface for others to better understand the data in graph illustrations.

Data visualization is the representation of data and information in a visual form, such as graphs, charts, and maps. It is important because it enables people to understand and interpret large amounts of data more easily than they could with tables, spreadsheets, or other forms of data representation.



Code Road
Geek Culture

I write topics such as React/NextJS, Vue/NuxtJS, GraphQL, Laravel, TailwindCSS, Bootstrap, SEO, Headless CMS, Fullstack, and web development.