ChatGPT: AI at its Best…!!

Abhijeet Dave
Geek Culture
Published in
6 min readDec 24, 2022
Credit: FreePik

What Is ChatGPT?

Created by OpenAI, ChatGPT is the latest artificial intelligence technology to hit the market, and it’s making waves in the tech community. This new software is designed to help you communicate with others using natural language processing. In other words, ChatGPT can understand the human conversation and respond accordingly.

ChatGPT is a very advanced chatbot that has the potential to make people’s lives easier and to assist with everyday tedious tasks, such as writing an email or having to navigate the web for answers.

This makes it perfect for customer service, sales, or any other profession that requires human interaction. If you’re looking for a way to improve your communication skills, ChatGPT is definitely worth checking out. In this blog post, we’ll explore how ChatGPT works and some of the benefits of using this AI technology.

OpenAI is a firm that conducts AI research. ChatGPT was introduced on November 30, 2022, by the firm. If the company’s name seems familiar, it’s because OpenAI also developed Whisper, an automatic speech recognition system, and DALLE•2, a well-known AI art generator.

A New AI Era Has Begun

Credit: FreePik

We are living in a new era of artificial intelligence (AI). This is evident in the way AI is impacting our lives and the world around us. One area where AI is having a major impact is in the realm of online chatbots.

Chatbots are computer programs that mimic human conversation. They are designed to engage in conversations with humans in order to help them with tasks or to provide information. ChatGPT is one such chatbot that is based on the open-source Google machine learning platform, TensorFlow.

ChatGPT has been designed to converse with humans in natural language. It does this by using a technique called transfer learning. This means that it can learn from conversations it has had with humans, and then use this knowledge to have better conversations in the future.

One of the things that makes ChatGPT so special is its ability to generate responses that sound like they could have come from a real human being. This is thanks to its use of a neural network, which is a type of artificial intelligence that imitates the workings of the human brain.

Neural networks are composed of a large number of interconnected processing nodes, or neurons. These nodes work together to learn how to carry out tasks by making connections between input and output data. The more data that is fed into the neural network, the more accurate its predictions will be.

This is why ChatGPT is constantly learning from the conversations it has with people.

How does ChatGPT work?

ChatGPT is a chatbot that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to generate responses to questions. It “learns” from the conversation and can generate new responses as the conversation progresses. OpenAI trained the language model by using Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF), according to OpenAI. Human AI trainers provided the model with conversations in which they played both parts, the user and AI assistants.

To use ChatGPT, you simply type in a question or statement, and the chatbot will respond accordingly. You can also ask follow-up questions to get more information from the chatbot. The more you chat with ChatGPT, the more it will learn about your preferences and give better responses.

What are the benefits of using ChatGPT?

There are many benefits of using ChatGPT including:

1. Increased accuracy — ChatGPT is constantly learning and improving its algorithms, which means that it gets more accurate over time. This is a huge advantage over traditional chatbots, which can often be quite inaccurate.

2. Natural language processing — ChatGPT is able to understand human language, which makes it much more user-friendly than other chatbots.

3. Personalization — ChatGPT can be personalized to each individual user, which makes the experience much more enjoyable for everyone involved.

4. Increased efficiency — ChatGPT is very efficient at handling tasks and requests, which means that you can get things done much quicker than with a traditional chatbot.

5. 24/7 availability — ChatGPT is available 24/7, which means that you can always get help when you need it.


Despite looking very impressive, ChatGPT still has limitations. Such limitations include the inability to answer questions that are worded in a specific way, requiring rewording to understand the input question.

A bigger limitation is a lack of quality in the responses it delivers — which can sometimes be plausible-sounding but make no practical sense or can be excessively verbose.

The approach also makes assumptions about the meaning of confusing queries rather than seeking clarification, which can result in unexpected answers. As a result, ChatGPT-generated answers to questions have already been temporarily banned on the developer question-and-answer website Stack Overflow.

“The primary problem is that while the answers that ChatGPT produces have a high rate of being incorrect, they typically look like they might be good and the answers are very easy to produce,” says Stack Overflow moderators in a post.

Critics claim that these tools are simply very effective at arranging words in a way that makes sense statistically, but they are unable to comprehend the meaning or determine whether the claims they make are true.

Should We Worry About AI like ChatGPT?

Concerns have been raised regarding AI chatbots eclipsing or degrading human intelligence. For instance, the chatbot may replace the requirement for a human writer by writing an essay on any subject quickly and effectively. Additionally, the chatbot can quickly and completely produce an entire essay, making it simpler for pupils to cheat or skip learning how to write properly.

The potential possibility of false information is another issue with the AI chatbot. The bot might share inaccurate information because it is not linked to the internet. In fact, some AI-driven chatbots clarify to double-check the answers and don’t take them literally.

Additionally, ChatGPT occasionally provides “plausible-sounding yet inaccurate or nonsensical answers,” according to OpenAI.

Does it mean that AI is taking over the world?

Not yet perhaps…!!

Well, OpenAI’s Altman certainly thinks that human-style intelligence in AI is now not that far off. Responding to Musk’s comment about dangerously strong AI, Altman tweeted: “I agree on being close to dangerously strong AI in the sense of an AI that poses e.g., a huge cybersecurity risk. and I think we could get to real AGI in the next decade, so we have to take the risk of that extremely seriously too.”

He also noted: “interesting watching people start to debate whether powerful AI systems should behave in the way users want or their creators intend. the question of whose values we align these systems will be one of the most important debates societies ever has.”

There are certain technical details that have to be figured out before it’s widely used to prevent negative outcomes, such as the spread of misinformation. In general, AI and ML models rely on lots of training and fine-tuning to reach a level of ideal performance. So, no way anyone can claim that AI will take command over humans.


Well, ChatGPT is one of the best examples of AI technology currently available. It is able to effectively communicate with humans and provide helpful and accurate responses to a wide range of queries. This technology has a lot of potential, and we are excited to see how it develops in the future…!!

