A System Design Guide

SQL vs. NoSQL: Choosing the Right Database for System Design

SQL vs. NoSQL: Navigating Database Choices for System Design Interviews.

Arslan Ahmad
Geek Culture



When it comes to system design interviews, selecting the right type of database is crucial, as it forms the foundation for data storage, retrieval, and manipulation in most applications.

Employers expect candidates to have a good understanding of database technologies and be able to choose the appropriate one for a given scenario. Being able to select and justify the right database can easily distinguish you from other candidates.

This comprehensive blog aims to provide you with a solid understanding of SQL and NoSQL databases, their respective advantages and disadvantages, and how to choose the most suitable one for a given scenario.

Overview of SQL and NoSQL databases

Databases can be broadly classified into two categories: SQL (Structured Query Language) and NoSQL (Not only SQL) databases. SQL databases, also known as relational databases, are based on the relational model, where data is stored in tables with predefined schema and relationships between them. Some popular SQL databases include MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, and Oracle. SQL databases are known for their consistency, reliability, and powerful query capabilities.

On the other hand, NoSQL databases are a diverse group of non-relational databases that prioritize flexibility, scalability, and performance under specific workloads. NoSQL databases can be further categorized into document databases, key-value stores, column-family stores, and graph databases, each with their unique data models and use cases. Some widely-used NoSQL databases are MongoDB, Redis, Apache Cassandra, and Neo4j.

Understanding SQL Databases

A. Definition and key characteristics

SQL (Structured Query Language) databases, also known as relational databases, are built on the relational model, which was first introduced by E.F. Codd in 1970. The relational model represents data in the form of tables, also known as relations, with rows (tuples) and columns (attributes). Each row represents a unique entity, and each column represents an attribute of that entity. The primary advantage of SQL databases is their ability to maintain data consistency and integrity through constraints, relationships, and transactions.

Relational databases use SQL as their primary query language for defining, manipulating, and querying data. SQL is a powerful and expressive language that allows developers to perform complex operations on the data, such as filtering, sorting, grouping, and joining multiple tables based on specified conditions.

B. Common SQL databases

There are several popular SQL databases available, each with its unique features, performance characteristics, and ecosystem. Some of the most widely-used SQL databases include:

  1. MySQL: An open-source, highly scalable, and widely-used relational database management system (RDBMS). MySQL is known for its ease of use, robustness, and strong community support.
  2. PostgreSQL: Another open-source RDBMS that focuses on extensibility, standards compliance, and performance. PostgreSQL is well-regarded for its advanced features, such as support for custom data types, full-text search, and spatial data operations.
  3. Microsoft SQL Server: A commercial RDBMS developed by Microsoft, featuring a comprehensive set of tools and features for enterprise-level applications. SQL Server is known for its tight integration with other Microsoft products, security features, and business intelligence capabilities.
  4. Oracle: A widely-used commercial RDBMS that offers high performance, advanced features, and scalability. Oracle is popular in large organizations and mission-critical applications due to its robustness, reliability, and comprehensive toolset.

C. Pros and cons of using SQL databases

  1. ACID properties and consistency: SQL databases adhere to the ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) properties, which ensure the reliability of transactions and the consistency of the data. These properties guarantee that any operation on the data will either be completed in its entirety or not at all, and that the data will always remain in a consistent state.
  2. Structured schema: SQL databases enforce a predefined schema for the data, which ensures that the data is structured, consistent, and follows specific rules. This structured schema can make it easier to understand and maintain the data model, as well as optimize queries for performance.
  3. Query language and optimization: SQL is a powerful and expressive query language that allows developers to perform complex operations on the data, such as filtering, sorting, grouping, and joining multiple tables based on specified conditions. SQL databases also include query optimizers, which analyze and optimize queries for improved performance.
  4. Scalability and performance: SQL databases can be scaled vertically by adding more resources (such as CPU, memory, and storage) to a single server. However, horizontal scaling, or distributing the data across multiple servers, can be more challenging due to the relational nature of the data and the constraints imposed by the ACID properties. This can lead to performance bottlenecks and difficulties in scaling for large-scale applications with high write loads or massive amounts of data.

In conclusion, SQL databases provide a robust, consistent, and powerful solution for data storage and manipulation in many applications. They are particularly well-suited for scenarios where data consistency, relationships, and complex queries are of paramount importance. However, their scalability limitations and rigid schema requirements may make them less suitable for some use cases, such as large-scale applications with high write loads or rapidly-evolving data models. In these

Understanding NoSQL Databases

A. Definition and key characteristics

NoSQL (Not only SQL) databases are a diverse group of non-relational databases designed to address the limitations of traditional SQL databases, particularly in terms of scalability, flexibility, and performance under specific workloads. NoSQL databases do not adhere to the relational model and typically do not use SQL as their primary query language. Instead, they employ various data models and query languages, depending on the specific type of NoSQL database being used.

The key characteristics of NoSQL databases include their schema-less design, which allows for greater flexibility in handling data; horizontal scalability, which makes it easier to distribute data across multiple servers; and their ability to perform well under specific workloads, such as high write loads or large-scale data storage and retrieval.

B. Types of NoSQL databases and their use cases

NoSQL databases can be broadly categorized into four main types, each with its unique data model and use cases:

  1. Document databases: These databases store data in a semi-structured format, such as JSON or BSON documents. Each document can contain nested fields, arrays, and other complex data structures, providing a high degree of flexibility in representing hierarchical and related data. Document databases are well-suited for applications with diverse and dynamic data models, such as content management systems, user profiles, and event logging. Some popular document databases include MongoDB and CouchDB.
  2. Key-value stores: Key-value databases store data as key-value pairs, where the key is a unique identifier and the value is the associated data. These databases excel in scenarios requiring high write and read performance for simple data models, such as caching, session management, and real-time analytics. Some widely-used key-value stores are Redis and Amazon DynamoDB.
  3. Column-family stores: Also known as wide-column stores, these databases store data in columns rather than rows, making them highly efficient for read and write operations on specific columns of data. Column-family stores are particularly well-suited for large-scale, distributed applications with high write loads and sparse or time-series data, such as IoT systems, log analysis, and recommendation engines. Examples of column-family stores include Apache Cassandra and HBase.
  4. Graph databases: Graph databases store data as nodes and edges in a graph, representing entities and their relationships. These databases are optimized for traversing complex relationships and performing graph-based queries, making them ideal for applications involving social networks, fraud detection, knowledge graphs, and semantic search. Some notable graph databases are Neo4j and Amazon Neptune.
NoSQL database

C. Pros and cons of using NoSQL databases

  1. Flexibility and schema-less design: One of the primary advantages of NoSQL databases is their schema-less design, which allows for greater flexibility in handling diverse and dynamic data models. This makes it easier to adapt to changing requirements and accommodate new data types without the need for extensive schema modifications, as is often the case with SQL databases.
  2. Horizontal scalability: NoSQL databases are designed to scale horizontally, enabling the distribution of data across multiple servers, often with built-in support for data replication, sharding, and partitioning. This makes NoSQL databases well-suited for large-scale applications with high write loads or massive amounts of data, where traditional SQL databases may struggle to maintain performance and consistency.
  3. Performance under specific workloads: NoSQL databases can offer superior performance under specific workloads, such as high write loads, large-scale data storage and retrieval, and complex relationships. By choosing a NoSQL database tailored to the needs of a particular application, developers can optimize performance and resource utilization while maintaining an appropriate level of data consistency and reliability.
  4. CAP theorem and trade-offs: The CAP theorem states that a distributed data store can provide only two of the following three guarantees: Consistency, Availability, and Partition Tolerance. NoSQL databases often prioritize Availability and Partition Tolerance over Consistency, resulting in a trade-off known as “eventual consistency.” While this may be acceptable in some applications, it can lead to challenges in maintaining data integrity and reconciling conflicting updates in scenarios where strong consistency is required.
  5. Query complexity and expressiveness: While some NoSQL databases offer powerful query languages and capabilities, they may not be as expressive or versatile as SQL when it comes to complex data manipulation and analysis. This can be a limiting factor in applications that require sophisticated querying, joining, or aggregation of data. Additionally, developers may need to learn multiple query languages and paradigms when working with different types of NoSQL databases.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Database

When it comes to selecting a database, candidates must take into account all the factors involved, such as data model and structure, scalability requirements, consistency and reliability, query complexity and frequency, performance and latency, as well as operational complexity and maintenance. Let’s look into all of these one by one:

A. Data model and structure

One of the primary factors to consider when selecting a database is the data model and structure of the information you plan to store. Understanding the complexity, diversity, and relationships within the data will help you determine the most appropriate database type.

  1. Tabular data and well-defined relationships: If your data model is primarily tabular with well-defined relationships, an SQL database may be a better fit. The relational model used by SQL databases is particularly suited for structured, tabular data and can maintain data integrity through constraints and relationships.
  2. Hierarchical, dynamic, or unstructured data: If your data is hierarchical, dynamic, or unstructured, a NoSQL database may offer more flexibility. NoSQL databases often use alternative data models, such as document, key-value, column-family, or graph, which can better accommodate diverse and evolving data structures.

B. Scalability requirements

Evaluating your application’s scalability needs, both in terms of data volume and read/write load, is crucial in choosing the right database.

  1. Vertical scaling: SQL databases are generally more adept at scaling vertically by adding more resources (such as CPU, memory, and storage) to a single server. This can be sufficient for many applications but may eventually hit performance limitations as resource demands increase.
  2. Horizontal scaling: NoSQL databases are designed to scale horizontally, enabling the distribution of data across multiple servers, often with built-in support for data replication, sharding, and partitioning. This makes NoSQL databases well-suited for large-scale applications with high write loads or massive amounts of data, where traditional SQL databases may struggle to maintain performance and consistency.

C. Consistency and reliability

The level of consistency and reliability required by your application plays a significant role in determining the most suitable database type.

  1. ACID properties and strong consistency: If strong consistency and ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) properties are essential, an SQL database may be the better choice. SQL databases enforce these properties to guarantee the reliability of transactions and the consistency of the data.
  2. Eventual consistency and trade-offs: NoSQL databases often prioritize Availability and Partition Tolerance over Consistency, resulting in a trade-off known as “eventual consistency.” While this may be acceptable in some applications, it can lead to challenges in maintaining data integrity and reconciling conflicting updates in scenarios where strong consistency is required.

D. Query complexity and frequency

Assessing the complexity and frequency of queries your application will perform is essential in selecting the right database.

  1. Complex querying: SQL databases are known for their powerful query capabilities, making them ideal for applications with complex querying requirements. SQL is an expressive language that allows developers to perform operations like filtering, sorting, grouping, and joining multiple tables based on specified conditions.
  2. Simple lookups or updates: If your application primarily performs simple lookups or updates, a NoSQL database may offer better performance. NoSQL databases often excel in scenarios requiring high write and read performance for simple data models.

E. Performance and latency

Considering the performance and latency requirements of your application is critical when choosing a database.

  1. High performance and low latency: If you need high performance and low latency for specific workloads or data access patterns, choose a NoSQL database that is optimized for those scenarios. NoSQL databases can offer superior performance under certain workloads, such as high write loads, large-scale data storage, and complex relationships.
  2. General-purpose performance: SQL databases can provide robust, general-purpose performance for a wide range of applications. While they may not be optimized for specific workloads or access patterns, they offer a consistent and reliable performance profile for most use cases.

F. Operational complexity and maintenance

Finally, take into account the operational complexity and maintenance requirements of your chosen database. This includes factors such as deployment, monitoring, backup, and recovery. Choose a database that aligns with your team’s expertise, tools, and processes.

  1. Deployment: Consider the ease of deployment and integration with your existing infrastructure. Some databases may require more complex setup and configuration, while others offer streamlined deployment processes or managed services that handle the operational aspects for you.
  2. Monitoring: Evaluate the monitoring capabilities of the database, including performance metrics, error tracking, and log analysis. A database with comprehensive monitoring tools can help you identify and address issues proactively, ensuring the smooth operation of your application.
  3. Backup and recovery: Assess the backup and recovery features of the database, including the ease of creating and restoring backups, as well as the ability to handle disaster recovery scenarios. A robust backup and recovery strategy is essential to protect your data and maintain business continuity in case of unforeseen events.
  4. Security: Investigate the security features of the database, such as encryption, access control, and auditing. A secure database can help protect your sensitive data from unauthorized access and mitigate potential risks associated with data breaches.
  5. Community and support: Consider the community and support ecosystem surrounding the database. A vibrant community can provide valuable resources, such as documentation, tutorials, and forums, while a strong support ecosystem can offer professional assistance and guidance when needed.
  6. Cost: Finally, take into account the cost of using the chosen database, including licensing, hardware, and operational expenses. Depending on your budget and requirements, you may need to weigh the benefits of various databases against their associated costs to make an informed decision.

Real-World Examples and Case Studies: Putting Database Choices into Context

Understanding the theoretical differences between SQL and NoSQL databases is essential, but examining real-world examples and case studies can provide valuable insights into how these databases are used in practice. This section will explore various use cases where SQL and NoSQL databases have been successfully implemented, highlighting their respective strengths and showcasing how they can be employed to address specific application requirements. Additionally, we will discuss hybrid solutions that combine the capabilities of both database types to create robust and versatile systems. By exploring these real-world scenarios, you can gain a deeper understanding of how to select the appropriate database in your system design interview.

A. SQL Databases in Action

  1. E-commerce platforms: SQL databases are widely used in e-commerce platforms, where structured data and well-defined relationships are the norm. For example, an online store’s database may have tables for customers, products, orders, and shipping details, all with established relationships. SQL databases enable efficient querying and data manipulation, making it easier for e-commerce platforms to manage inventory, customer data, and order processing.
  2. Financial systems: Financial applications, such as banking and trading platforms, rely on SQL databases to maintain transactional consistency, ensure data integrity, and support complex queries. The ACID properties of SQL databases are crucial in this context, as they guarantee the correct processing of transactions and safeguard against data corruption.
  3. Content Management Systems (CMS): Many popular CMS platforms, such as WordPress and Joomla, use SQL databases to store content, user data, and configuration information. The structured nature of the data and the powerful query capabilities of SQL databases make them well-suited for managing content and serving dynamic web pages.

B. NoSQL Databases in Action

  1. Social media platforms: NoSQL databases, particularly graph databases, are ideal for managing complex relationships and interconnected data found in social media platforms. For example, Facebook uses a custom graph database called TAO to store user profiles, friend connections, and other social graph data. This allows Facebook to efficiently query and traverse the massive social graph, providing features like friend recommendations and newsfeed personalization.
  2. Big data analytics: NoSQL databases, such as Hadoop’s HBase and Apache Cassandra, are commonly used for big data analytics, where large-scale data storage and processing are required. These databases are designed to scale horizontally, enabling them to handle vast amounts of data and high write loads. For example, Netflix uses Apache Cassandra to manage its customer data and viewing history, which helps the streaming service to provide personalized content recommendations to its users.
  3. Internet of Things (IoT): IoT applications generate massive volumes of data from various devices and sensors, often with varying data structures and formats. NoSQL databases like MongoDB and Amazon DynamoDB are suitable for handling this diverse and dynamic data, providing flexible data modeling and high-performance storage capabilities. For example, Philips Hue, a smart lighting system, uses Amazon DynamoDB to store and manage data generated by its connected light bulbs and devices.

C. Hybrid Solutions

  1. Gaming industry: In the gaming industry, developers often use a combination of SQL and NoSQL databases to support different aspects of their applications. For instance, an SQL database may be employed to manage user accounts, in-game purchases, and other transactional data, while a NoSQL database like Redis can be used to store real-time game state information and leaderboards.
  2. E-commerce with personalized recommendations: Some e-commerce platforms combine SQL databases for transactional data and inventory management with NoSQL databases for personalized recommendations. This hybrid approach allows the platform to leverage the strengths of both database types, ensuring efficient data storage, querying, and analysis for various aspects of the application.

Avoiding Common Pitfalls in Database Selection

One of the biggest mistakes candidates make in system design interviews is relying too much on their personal experience or bias when selecting a database. Remember, interviews are not about which database you prefer, but about which one is most suited to the problem you’re facing.

When selecting a database, it’s important to consider the specific needs of your application. What type of data will you be storing? How much data will you be storing? How frequently will you be accessing the data? These are all important questions to ask yourself before making a decision.

Another common pitfall is failing to fully understand the requirements of the application. It’s important to take the time to thoroughly analyze the needs of your application before selecting a database. This includes understanding the expected traffic and usage patterns, as well as any specific performance requirements.

Choosing the wrong database can have serious consequences for your application. For example, if you choose a database that can’t handle the amount of data you need to store, you may run into performance issues or even data loss. On the other hand, if you choose a database that is too complex for your needs, you may end up with a system that is difficult to maintain and scale.

It’s also important to consider the long-term implications of your database selection. As your application grows and evolves, your database needs may change. Choosing a database that is flexible and scalable can help ensure that your application can continue to meet your needs as you grow.


Choosing the right database in system design interviews requires careful consideration of the technical requirements of the application, as well as strategic factors such as cost, maintainability, and team expertise. By understanding the pros and cons of SQL and NoSQL, as well as other database options, candidates can make an informed decision on which technology to use. Beyond selecting a single database, polyglot persistence can combine the strengths of multiple database systems, further boosting an application’s performance and scalability.

➡ Check Grokking System Design Fundamentals for a list of common system design concepts.

➡ Learn more about these questions in “Grokking the System Design InterviewandGrokking the Advanced System Design Interview.”



Arslan Ahmad
Geek Culture

Founder www.designgurus.io | Formally a software engineer @ Facebook, Microsoft, Hulu, Formulatrix | Entrepreneur, Software Engineer, Writer.