CoinMarketCap API and Google Sheets

Craigory Sparks
Geek Culture
Published in
3 min readAug 25, 2021

A Cryptowatch alternative for importing coin prices into your spreadsheet.

A crypto adventure
A crypto adventure

A few days ago the Cryptowatch API stopped working for me in my Google sheet I use to track my portfolio. When I went to their site, I found out they no longer allow you to import crypto currency prices into Google Sheets with the free plan. So, instead of getting upset, I went out into the web looking for an alternative free solution.

It took some time and frustration to get what I needed but in the end I came up with this straightforward implementation with the CoinMarketCap API. If you want to do the same, follow these easy steps and enjoy!

  • Go to CoinMarketCap account and sign up or log in.
  • Go to to create a free API key.
  • Click the button that says “GET YOUR API KEY NOW”.
  • Fill in the sign up API form.
  • Go to your email. There should be an email from CoinMarketCap API team. Click the verify button in the email:
  • After clicking you will get sent to your API dashboard. Leave the dashboard open in your browser tab, you will need to copy the key later on.
  • In a new tab, go to this Google Sheet I created and make a copy.
Make a copy
Make a copy
  • Go to Extensions > Apps Script. Apps Script will open in a new tab.
Apps Script
Copy your key
Copy your key
  • Paste your API key on line 12 in Apps Script where it says YOUR_API_KEY_GOES_HERE.
Enter your api key here
Enter your API key here
  • Click Run.
Click Run
Click Run
  • A permissions window will pop open the first time you run this. Click Review permissions.
Review permissions
Review permissions
  • Choose your account.
  • Click advanced.
  • Allow access if you trust the code I wrote. If you don’t you can get the code here and review it, or rewrite it, or whatever…just make sure you get the vaccine and wear a mask.
  • Boom! Done. Now go back to the Google Sheet to savor and edit as necessary.
  • Update Column B with Coin tickers you want to follow.
  • Bonus! If you want the prices to update every time you check the little checkbox or make an edit. Go to Triggers in Apps Script and create a new trigger. Set Event type to on change.
Create a new trigger.
Create a new trigger.
  • And finally, send a tip to my wallet. Be cool.

Send BTC tips to: bc1qj3n3tppat8jtugl950l37s0l2k6ufj39wn2ah5
Send ETH tips to: 0xbd984B05d00b27372bcf9F74013711455239ABe1

