Complete Roadmap to Become a Full-Stack Web Developer from Scratch (from a JavaScript Developer Perspective)

Step-by-step guide on how to become a full-stack web developer from scratch.

Rashedul Alam
Geek Culture


Photo by Matt Duncan on Unsplash

Anyone wants to grab a solid position as a full-stack web developer but doesn’t know where to start to become a Full-Stack web developer; in this article, I will cover an essential roadmap that any beginners can follow to become a full-stack developer from scratch.

So without a further-a-do, let’s jump right into it.

1. Learn HTML & CSS first.

It is the No. 1 step if you want to be a full-stack developer. You have to start learning HTML and CSS. There’s no escape from them.

The reason I picked HTML & CSS at the same time is that they can be learned pretty much together. You will not need much time to know them. You can learn HTML and CSS together in around a week or two.

One of the best places to learn HTML and CSS is the W3School. You can learn all the fundamentals of HTML and CSS from there. Of course, you can pick any tutorial you prefer.

2. Design your first website.



Rashedul Alam
Geek Culture

Independent Software Developer, Entrepreneur, Consultant. Visit my website to know more about me: