Could Bitcoin Save You from Hyperinflation?

Look at It From a Different Lens

Alexandre Lores
Geek Culture


I write about Bitcoin, Crypto and finance to break down complex ideas so everyone can understand them. Join me as I view Bitcoin from a different lens.

Before we go on, if you don’t understand inflation read this. If you’re new to Bitcoin and don’t get what it is, read this first.

A Volatile Asset Class

Courtesy of Visual Capitalist. Link

As a newer asset class, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are indeed more susceptible to volatility than traditional assets such as stocks or bonds.

Like me, if you live in the US, Western Europe or other developed economies, you probably see Bitcoin as a volatile asset. Other cryptocurrencies even more so. The roller coaster of price swings up and down can cause even the most experienced investor a bit of queasiness in the stomach. If you’re a long-term Bitcoin bull like me, you do your best to calm that indigestion down by ignoring the 51% drop from mid April to mid May and looking at the price over the years.

However, while we are correct when see Bitcoin as volatile, we are doing so from the lens of…



Alexandre Lores
Geek Culture

Founder of Director of Blockchain Markets Research for Quantum Economics. Writing about all things Bitcoin, crypto, NFTs and fintech