Create Beautiful Graphs with Python

Use this theme to create stunning, minimalistic plots

Benedict Neo
Geek Culture



TLDR; Want to start making classy and polished charts like the above? Use the Rosé Pine theme! Read on to find out how!

Matplotlib is a powerful library for creating beautiful, high-quality figures and plots in Python.

One of the great things about matplotlib is the ability to customize the style of your plots using the style module.

There are 26 stylesheets included by default, but you can also use custom styles by loading stylesheets files with a .mplstyle extension.

In this article, we’ll show you how to load a custom stylesheet called “Rosé Pine,” created by Hector Plata.

Code for this article → Deepnote

Load Libraries

After importing numpy and matplotlib, we can install the Rosé Pine theme stylesheets.

Using the wget command, the respective mplstyle files are downloaded

