CSS Reset Tips: Web Styling Guide

Start with a Clean Slate: Understanding CSS Reset

Stephanie Zhan
Geek Culture
4 min readJul 25, 2023


Photo by Dmitry Grachyov on Unsplash

CSS is a powerful language that allows us to style and design web pages. However, when starting a new project, it’s essential to address some of the rough edges in CSS and establish a solid foundation. One common approach is to use a CSS reset, which eliminates inconsistencies and ensures a consistent starting point across different browsers.

The Box Model and Sizing

One of the first issues we encounter when working with CSS is understanding how elements are sized and how they fit within their parent containers. By default, when we set a width of 100% on an element, it applies that size to the content box. However, this can lead to unexpected overflow when padding and borders are added.

To address this, we can use the box-sizing property with the value border-box. This rule ensures that percentages are resolved based on the border box, which includes the content box, padding, and border.

* {
box-sizing: border-box;

By applying this rule to all elements using the wildcard selector (*), we can avoid overflowing elements and achieve a more predictable sizing behavior.

Margin Considerations

Margin is another aspect of CSS that can often cause confusion. Browsers make assumptions about margins based on the type of element. However, these assumptions may not align with the requirements of modern web applications. Therefore, I prefer to remove all default margins and add them explicitly when needed in project-specific styles.

* {
margin: 0;

By setting the margin of all elements to 0, we start with a clean slate and have full control over adding margins where necessary.

Subpixel Antialiasing on MacOS

On MacOS computers, browsers like Chrome and Safari use subpixel antialiasing by default. Subpixel antialiasing aims to enhance text contrast by utilizing the R/G/B lights within each pixel. However, on modern high-DPI displays, this technique can cause text to appear blurry or distorted.

To address this issue, we can disable subpixel antialiasing by setting the -webkit-font-smoothing property to antialiased.

body {
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;

This rule ensures that text appears crisper and more readable on MacOS browsers. It’s important to note that this rule only affects MacOS operating systems, as other platforms do not use subpixel antialiasing.

Treating Images as Layout Elements

By default, images are treated as inline elements in CSS. However, this can lead to unexpected spacing issues when using images within layouts. To avoid these problems, it is beneficial to treat images as block-level elements and set a maximum width to prevent overflow.

img {
display: block;
max-width: 100%;

By setting display: block, we ensure that images behave like other layout elements and avoid any unwanted spacing caused by inline elements. Additionally, the max-width: 100% rule prevents images from overflowing their containers if the container is narrower than the image itself.

Consistent Typographical Styles for Form Inputs

Form inputs like textareas and text inputs often have their own default typographical styles, which may not match the surrounding environment. This can result in inconsistent and hard-to-read text. To address this, we can inherit typographical styles from their parent elements using the font property.

input, textarea {
font: inherit;

By setting font: inherit, form inputs will match the typography of their surrounding elements, providing a consistent and readable experience. This rule ensures that form inputs have an appropriate font size and style, avoiding issues like auto-zooming on mobile devices.

Line Wrapping with Overflow-Wrap

When text does not fit within a container’s width, CSS automatically wraps it to the next line. By default, CSS looks for soft wrap opportunities like whitespace or hyphens. However, in some cases, text without soft wrap opportunities can cause overflow issues.

To control line wrapping behavior, we can use the overflow-wrap property. By setting it to break-word, we allow hard wraps when no soft wrap opportunities are available.

p {
overflow-wrap: break-word;

This rule ensures that text wraps to the next line when necessary, even if there are no soft wrap opportunities. It prevents text from overflowing and causing layout problems.

Creating a Root Stacking Context

In certain cases, when using JavaScript frameworks like React, it is necessary to create a new stacking context without relying on z-index. This helps ensure that high-priority elements such as modals, dropdowns, and tooltips always appear above other elements in the application.

To achieve this, we can use the isolation property on the top-level element where our application is rendered. The selector may vary depending on the framework being used.

#root {
isolation: isolate;

By setting isolation: isolate on the appropriate element, we create a new stacking context that guarantees the desired element hierarchy. This approach avoids complex z-index management and prevents stacking context conflicts.


I hope this article has provided valuable insights into the importance of a custom CSS reset and how it can improve your CSS workflow. Remember to adapt and customize the reset to suit your specific project needs. Happy coding!

