
Data Science Algorithm vs Model. What is the Difference?

and/or Machine Learning Algorithms

Matt Przybyla
Geek Culture
Published in
5 min readOct 29, 2022


Photo by Ian Keefe on Unsplash [1].

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Algorithm
  3. Model
  4. Summary
  5. References


Why is this important to know the difference?

As data scientists, we have a lot of jargon to communicate between even other data scientists, as well as stakeholders. Two of those jargon words are algorithm and model. Both, are often used incorrectly, as they can mean totally different things in other fields, and even within the data science field itself. A quick example, data model vs data science model; someone from the outside world might think these are exactly the same when they are completely different — the first relating the illustration of organization and standardization of data and the other, well, we will get to that. With that being said, it is important to be as specific as you can be to not get lost in communication at work — so let's describe these two jargon terms in detail below.




Matt Przybyla
Geek Culture

Sr/MS Data Scientist. Top Writer in Artificial Intelligence, Technology, & Education. Towards Data Science. Subscribe: https://datascience2.medium.com/subscribe