DBT Model Contracts: Importance and Pitfalls

Leveraging DBT Model Contracts to Enhance Data Quality, Reliability, and Predictability

Ramon Marrero
Geek Culture


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DBT (Data Build Tool) is a powerful data transformation framework that streamlines the process of defining, building, and managing SQL models. One of the key features of DBT is the introduction of model contracts, which provide a structured way of defining expectations about the output of a model. In this article, we will explore the importance of DBT model contracts, the benefits they offer, and potential pitfalls to be aware of.

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Understanding DBT Model Contracts

DBT Model Contracts is a feature that lets you define the schema of your models in a YAML file, specifying the names and data types of each column, along with any additional constraints such as nullability. This ensures that people querying your model downstream have a stable and consistent set of columns to utilize in their analyses.

Here’s how it works: once the contract configuration is enforced, DBT cross-checks the returned dataset from your model against the attributes you’ve defined in your YAML file. If it…



Ramon Marrero
Geek Culture

Head of Data Engineering | AWS Community Builder | AWS Certified Solutions Architect | Google Cloud Certified Professional