Demystify: Networking and Communication Between Pods in Kubernetes

Ink Insight šŸ§˜šŸ¼
Geek Culture
Published in
4 min readFeb 23, 2023
Photo by Ihor Dvoretskyi on Unsplash

This blog is the continuation of Part-1. No worries, you can head over to Part-1 for a map and then return here to continue the journey.

Alrighty folks, buckle up for a wild ride into the deep blue sea of K8s communication. Weā€™re gonna dive in so deep, we might even bump into Nemo! So, letā€™s get ready to communicate the communication! :)

Kubernetes Networking: The Details

In Kubernetes, each pod is assigned its own unique IP address, which is used for internal communication within the cluster. However, this IP address is not accessible from outside the cluster. To expose a pod to the outside world, we use a Kubernetes object called a Service. A Service is a logical set of pods that provide specific functionality. Services provide a stable IP address and hostname, which can be used by other pods to communicate with the pods in the Service. Services can also load balance incoming traffic across multiple pods in the Service.

To understand how Services work, letā€™s take a closer look at how communication between pods happens in Kubernetes.

Pod-to-Pod Communication

When a pod wants to communicate with another pod, it sends a request to the target podā€™s IP address. The request is then routed through the network overlay created by the cluster network provider to reach the target pod. In Kubernetes, each node has a network agent, such as kube-proxy, which is responsible for forwarding traffic to the correct pod. When a request is received, the network agent looks up the target podā€™s IP address and forwards the request to the correct pod.

Pod-to-Service Communication

When a pod wants to communicate with a Service, it sends a request to the Serviceā€™s IP address or hostname. The request is then forwarded by the network agent to one of the pods in the Service. The choice of which pod to forward the request to is determined by the Serviceā€™s load-balancing strategy.

In Kubernetes, Services can use several load balancing strategies, including round-robin, IP hash, and least connection. The round-robin strategy evenly distributes incoming traffic across all pods in the Service. The IP hash strategy hashes the source IP address of incoming traffic and forwards the request to the pod with a matching hash. The least connection strategy forwards the request to the pod with the least number of open connections.

Photo by Taylor Vick on Unsplash

Service-to-Service Communication

When one Service wants to communicate with another Service, it sends a request to the target Serviceā€™s IP address or hostname. The request is then forwarded by the network agent to one of the pods in the target Service. The choice of which pod to forward the request to is determined by the target Serviceā€™s load-balancing strategy.

Service-to-External Communication

To expose a Service to the outside world, we can create a Kubernetes object called an Ingress. An Ingress is a collection of rules that define how incoming traffic should be routed to Services. Ingress can be used to expose Services to external clients or to route traffic from external clients to internal Services. Ingress can be configured to route traffic based on the hostname or path of the incoming request. For example, we can route traffic for the hostname to a Service and traffic for the path /api to another Service.

In addition to its networking capabilities, Kubernetes also provides robust security features to protect your applications and data. With features such as network policies, role-based access control (RBAC), and encrypted communication, Kubernetes helps you to build secure, scalable, and highly available applications.

In conclusion, Kubernetes provides a powerful and flexible way to manage networking and communication between pods and Services. With the use of Services, Ingress, and network overlay, Kubernetes enables reliable and efficient communication between pods, Services, and external clients.

Itā€™s important to understand the different types of communication in Kubernetes and the objects used to manage them. Whether itā€™s Pod-to-Pod, Pod-to-Service, Service-to-Service, or Service-to-External communication, Kubernetes provides a range of options to meet the needs of your application.

Whoa, that was a lot of information to swallow! But donā€™t worry, itā€™ll digest like a big delicious knowledge burrito. And if it gets too tough, just remember: laughter is the best medicineā€¦ for a bloated brain :)

Thanks for reading! Iā€™d appreciate your support and engagement in my stories. :)



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Geek Culture

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