Dev Box Testing

A basic approach to ensuring the quality of a feature.

Jolivé Hodehou
Geek Culture
3 min readMay 4, 2022


two women talking while looking at laptop computer (

If your goal is to get faster feedback on tasks done by developers, then I think Dev Box Testing is a pretty interesting practice that you should adopt.

Dev Box Testing? What is it 🤔

Dev Box Testing is the first set of tests performed on the development engine before the code is sent to the repository for review.

That is, a QA validates, tests and verifies a feature in the scope on the developer’s machine. It’s as simple as that but very effective.

Feedback is provided on the spot and therefore will significantly reduce the cost of fixing bugs.

When the Dev Box Testing is done and there is no feedback, you can go on your way. If not, you have to go back to the development phase.

What is the process for Dev Box Testing? 🧵

“People and interactions rather than processes and tools.”

For once let’s put aside our beloved processes and tools. For a while of course 😅

There is no formal process on how this should be done, so it is best left to the team.

But before you start, make sure you have the following elements:

  • Acceptance criteria
  • In-scope and out-of-scope functionality
  • Preconditions, if any

This work should be done by a quality engineer while the stakeholders (product, Dev, QA teams) discuss the functionality.

When you have all these elements in place and the code is still on the developer’s machine :

  • The developer invites the QA to do the Dev Box test together.
  • Based on the acceptance criteria, the developer executes the workflow to ensure that the functionality is implemented.
  • The QA in turn does the same and runs certain scenarios.
  • If during the session bugs are identified, the developer monitoring the test takes notes.
  • After finishing the session, the QA leaves the machine with the developer to work on the corrections.

Take note 📝

  • As a QA if you have coding skills, don’t hesitate to do a review of unit, functional and integration tests if you have them
  • Ask lots of questions
  • If you work remotely, you can use a remote access tool to run your different test scenarios. TeamViewer for example.

The benefits of this practice 🎯

1 — Improved risk management

2 — Faster feedback to the team

3 — A better understanding of the product by the QA

4 — More agility in the development process

QA teams will not eliminate risk, but they will be able to identify more fully where to focus efforts to reduce them.

Dev Box testing encourages collaboration within the team, particularly BA, QA & Developer and aims to reduce bugs that are committed to the source repository and collaborate to work towards the same goal of delivering business value by building a quality product.

🌍 Feel free to reach me out via Twitter — @heisjolive

Stay tuned for the next article. Stay safe and Happy Testing!

