DevOps Tools That Software Engineers Must Know
I’m a Software Engineer. Been that way and I’ll always be.
At a certain point during my career though, I’ve tasted the medicine of Automations. Mother of all of productivity tech. Bearer of the joy.
I was able to automate tests and deploy faster. I was able to trust what I’m throwing to production just because I know what kind of Automation existed in our CI/CD pipelines. by “know” I don’t just mean knowing what jobs are there. but, actually understanding whats happening.
As a software engineer you’re capped to get your features out if you’re only on the back side of things where you only write the code. what will make it better is that you’d be able to write or setup automation jobs that would help you own your code from keyboard hits to users accessing and interacting with your feature.
The Tools
Some of those tools that are listed below will definitely help you become more efficient and more productive:
(Main umbrella that will help you with the rest of the tools below)