Digital Signature — React Native

Anshul Borawake
Geek Culture
Published in
2 min readMay 15, 2021

Digital Signature has been around for some time now. At the time of this write-up, it is practically impossible for you to be a mobile developer without having to create and use Digital Signature for taking user confirmation.

Signature Screen

A digital signature is exactly what it sounds like a modern alternative to signing documents with paper and pen. It uses an advanced mathematical technique to check the authenticity and integrity of digital messages and documents.


You have to install the react-native-signature-capture package. You’ll need to run the expo install command as well to install its dependencies if you’re using Expo!


The above code represents the actual code for Signature Pad and Save & Reset.

Save and Reset Sign

In our App.js, we are going to create the function App and as usual export default App;

A few notes on the above:

  • First, we are creating a reference variable to keep track of our signature ref using createRef() function.
  • We are creating two methods for saving signatures and resetting signatures.
  • The saveSign() uses sign.current.saveImage() function to save images locally on the runtime.
  • The resetSign() uses sign.current.resetImage() function to reset image locally on the runtime.

Event Capture

The code is simply to generate a response __onSaveEvent to capture gesture movement, and __onDragEvent to log the drag event.



Anshul Borawake
Geek Culture

React Developer | React Native Developer | Machine Learning | AI Enthusiast | Self-Learner | ACES — Vice-President