Dockerizing a .NET Core Microservice

Why every dev should know about dockerizing

Anderson Carvalho
Geek Culture


.NET Core + Docker = Developer Experience++
.NET Core + Docker = Developer Experience++ 🚀

When new developers join a team it is important to get them accommodated soon. We call the process of integrating new employees “on-boarding”. The onboarding process for developers has some peculiarities.

A developer onboarding usually consists of:

  • Get to know the new colleagues and team member
  • Get to know the systems (s)he will work with
  • Receive the technical equipment (laptop, mouse, keyboard…)
  • Development environment setup. 😨 😫

In this article, we going to focus on the development environment setup. The development environment setup consists of installing everything needed to start producing code. This involves installing the IDE (Integrated Development Environment) and programming language platforms. Even when everything is well documented and the new member is an experienced dev, it is normal to face some difficulties during this process.

Such difficulties can happen for multiples reasons, we can list the two most common:

  • New developers that use an O.S. different from the rest of the team (Linux, Windows, Mac OS).
  • More than one platform version coexisting in the same machine…

