Email and File Tracking Made Easy

Is it allowed? Can you use it? And how does it work?

Marcus Knoph
Geek Culture
Published in
17 min readJan 11, 2021


Email / File tracking explained
Email / File tracking explained — by freepik, freepik, amahce and dooder

Almost everything today is tracked in some way or another. You go for a run in the lovely weather. Your phone tracks your movement. You spend some hard-earned cash in the store. The bank tracks your money movement. You watch two-three shows on Netflix. Netflix tracks and record what you enjoy, to deliver better options. And who has not visited an online store, placed something in the shopping cart but changed the mind in the last second. Only to be hunted for weeks later with ads for that very same product.

With all these tracking applications running nonstop, why should you be unable to track your own information? This brings us into the theme for this article: Email and File tracking. What is it? And how can it be utilized by you? I will in this article try to first explain the legal questions behind it, then how does it work? Before ending it with how you can create your own email or file tracking server to test it out! Does it sound exciting?

Is it legal?

Foremost you may ask, is this legal? Well, it is a challenging question but straightforward answer yes. You can track emails just as any other messages to see when it opens and is manipulated. Think of it, doesn’t almost every chat program today of some sorts…



Marcus Knoph
Geek Culture

IT Consultant with extensive experience in computer security / programming, and leadership / management development of personnell.