EnvClient for Laravel 6+

Manage and validate environmental variables with artisan console commands, environmental rules, and facades

Geek Culture
4 min readJan 31, 2020


Photo by Christopher Gower on Unsplash

Github: https://github.com/lionix-team/envclient

Packagist: https://packagist.org/packages/lionix/envclient


Artisan commands

SignatureDescriptionenv:get {key}Prints .env variable valueenv:set {key} {value}Sets .env variable if validation rules are passedenv:checkCheck all env variables for validnessenv:emptyPrint empty .env variablesmake:envrule {name}Create a new .env validation rules

Basic usage

Set an environment variable using env:set artisan command.

The command will modify your environment file by replacing or adding the given key to it.

Validate environment variables

If you want to apply validation rules to environmental variables before env:set command will modify the file you will have to publish command package configuration files.

The command will create config/env.php

and app/Env/BaseEnvValidationRules.php

By adding validation rules into rules method return value you will apply them to env:set command.

This way if you try to set an invalid value to the DB_CONNECTION variable with env:set command, the console will print out an error

If your environment file was modified you can run env:check command which will check all variables for validness and print out the results.

Create a new environmental validation rules

Run the make:envrule command

By default, the script will generate a class in App/Env namespace.



Specify validation rules:

Apply the rules:

You can add the DatabaseEnvRules class to env.php configuration file at the rules key. That way all the rules specified in the class will affect package artisan commands.


Or you can use Lionix\EnvClient Facade to validate the input with given validation rules:




  • protected $getter : Lionix\EnvClient\Interfaces\EnvGetterInterface
  • protected $setter : Lionix\EnvClient\Interfaces\EnvSetterInterface
  • protected $validator : Lionix\EnvClient\Interfaces\EnvValidatorInterface


  • void : __construct()
    Create a new instance of EnvClient using default dependencies
  • self : useGetter(Lionix\EnvClient\Interfaces\EnvGetterInterface $getter)
    Set client getter dependency
  • self : useSetter(Lionix\EnvClient\Interfaces\EnvSetterInterface $setter)
    Set setter dependency
  • self : useValidator(Lionix\EnvClient\Interfaces\EnvValidatorInterface $validator)
    Set validator dependency merging current errors with the validator errors
  • array : all()
    Get all env variables from the environmental file
  • bool : has(string $key)
    Check if the environmental file contains the key
  • mixed : get(string $key)
    Get the env variable using the key (returns the output of Illuminate\Support\Env get method)
  • self : set(array $values)
    Set the environmental variables at runtime if validation rules passed
  • self : save()
    Save previously set variables to the environmental file
  • self : update()
    If validation rules passed then set and save variables to the environmental file
  • bool : validate(array $values)
    Check values validness and retrieve passed status
  • Illuminate\Support\MessageBag : errors()
    Get all validation errors occurred during the class lifetime



  • void : __construct()
    Create a new instance of EnvGetter
  • mixed : get(string $key)
    Get the env variable using the key (returns the output of Illuminate\Support\Env get method)
  • array : all()
    Get all env variables from the environmental file
  • bool : has(string $key)
    Check if the environmental file contains the key



  • protected $variablesToSet : array


  • void : __construct()
    Create a new instance of EnvSetter
  • void : set(array $values)
    Merge given values with variablesToSet property
  • void : save()
    Save all variables previously set by the set method to the environmental file
  • protected string : sanitize(string $value)
    Sanitize input values



  • protected $errors : Illuminate\Support\MessageBag


  • void : __construct()
    Create a new instance of EnvValidator
  • array : rules()
    Returns class validation rules
  • bool : validate(array $values)
    Validate given values
  • Illuminate\Support\MessageBag : errors()
    Get validator errors
  • void : mergeErrors(Illuminate\Support\MessageBag $errors)
    Merge given MessageBag with current errors




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