Explore unique dataset for your upcoming data science project

Structural Data of Proteins, Part I — Data Collection

Shreya U. Patil
Geek Culture


Photo by: Shopify Partners

Before we dive into the data I just want to give you guys a simple explanation about a few terminologies for this area of study.

The data which we will be working on comes from RCSB PDB website. This site serves as the data center for the Protein Data Bank (PDB), a worldwide archive of 3D structural data pertaining to significant biological molecules such as proteins, DNA, and RNA.

To get the 3D structure of the molecules through experimentally the methods like X-ray crystallography, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, and Cryogenic electron microscopy (cryo-EM) can be used.

For this project we will be accessing the data which was acquired using X-ray crystallography method.

So let’s talk about why it is important to study this data……

For the drug designing process it is crucial to understand the function of biological molecules and their interaction with other macromolecules in the cell. 3D structure of proteins, RNA or DNA helps to understand these properties. It is just one example I am mentioning here. This structural biology study can be used for designing new proteins and enzymes for industrial and…

