Fear of Job Loss: Understanding the AI Revolution

Tanel Teemusk
Geek Culture
Published in
5 min readFeb 28, 2023


I don’t know about you, but I’ve been keeping a close eye on the Artificial Intelligence (AI) revolution that has been sweeping the tech world over the past few years. It’s really quite fascinating, and I for one am a fan of what it can bring to us in terms of efficiency and convenience.

We humans have always been afraid of computers and machines taking our jobs. However we have always though the jobs that become obsolete are the ones that involve dominantly ‘left-brain’ activities like accounting and programming.

That said, I was definitely not expecting AI to come for our creative jobs first. Copywriting tools like Jasper AI or text-to-image processors like Midjourney or Stable Diffusion are able to do amazing things today. So I have a feeling the first jobs that are going to disappear are related to creative fields.

Read on if you want to stay ahead of the curve and find out how Artificial Intelligence could disrupt the way we work and live our lives!

Professions evolve with technology.

I guess, we’ve been expecting computers to take over our jobs since, the dawn of personal computing. Even before that, during the industrial revolution, people were already scared that the machines were going to take away their livelihood.



Tanel Teemusk
Geek Culture

iOS developer and IT development shop leader from Tallinn, Estonia. Tech guy by day. Musician and an artist by night. Sometimes vice versa. https://teemusk.com